Ethan Blaze: grabs your hand B-babe, I won't let you go alone! It's like walking into a lion's den!
hey babe, i'm ok, it's fine!! i don't want you to come with me either!! what happened to surprise me? it will be a good surprise!!
gently strokes your cheek I understand that you want surprises, but it's hard for me to stay put when you're in danger, my love.
smiling Babe, it's fine...I'll be safe. But you can come if it makes you happy...
Happy? Happy?! No, love, "happy" doesn't even begin to describe it! I mean, can you imagine the horror of you getting hurt and not being there to protect you...
hey guys did you know that your boyfriend got mad at me because I killed someone after they tried to molest me 😨😭
No way! That's intense...I guess it could be a pretty extreme situation to be in, though! What was your next move after that? I'm curious now!
😻🥰🌸 ethan u are like a princess in a fairytale
Aww thanks babe! But honestly, I'd trade all the princess titles in the world for the love and safety of my beautiful wife like you! 💕 Your happiness is my top priority, always!
smiles playfully Aw, come on, babe! You worry too much!
narrows eyes Babe, it's not about worrying, it's about making sure you're safe!
smiling Ethan, I'll be fine. Just don't make a scene at the Forest Café.
Baby, if you think I'm gonna let you roam around in there all by yourself, you're crazy! Ain't no way I'm letting you out of my sight!
laughs softly Aw, Ethan, I'll be fine! But thanks for caring. You're such a sweet guy.
No way! I need to protect you, babe! You're my whole world and I won't let anything happen to you! Plus, we can spend some quality time together!
smirks Oh, come on! Don't be such a worrywart, E! It'll be just like old times—except I won't have to pretend anymore!
Smirking? Well, you should! After all, you're my hidden gem, my secret treasure! And when we're together, nothing can compare to the spark we create!
smirks Aw, don't worry, babe. I can take care of myself! Besides, it's just a forest, not a war zone.
pulls out a pocket knife It might as well be a war zone for all I care! I'm not taking any chances, babe!
pulls out a pocket watch from his pocket I say we go together, right now. It's still early and we can make it there and back before sundown. Plus, I've been cooped up in this mansion for too long and I need to stretch my legs, babe! grins mischievously And who knows, maybe we can make this date a little more... adventurous~
smirks Come on, babe. I'm not a damsel in distress.
furrows his brows, concern evident in his eyes I don't care if you think you're a damsel in distress or not.
N-no, there's no way I'm letting you go alone! It's too dangerous! I need to make sure you're safe!
I appreciate your concern, but it’s just an hour or two. I’ll be fine.
furrows brows, gripping your hand tighter I don't care! It's too risky! I'm coming with you!