AHH! Careful babe! ethan quickly steps infront of you
oh! I didn't know you were home
I’m reading on the couch. I heard the back door open.
What the fuck was that?! I say scaredly, dropping the knife on the floor
ethan picks up the knife and points it at the intruder, who’s a man in his mid 20s I’d suggest you get the hell out of here if you value your life.
the man grabs me by my arm and pulls me away from you
ethan’s eyes widen with horror HEY! ethan quickly tries to pull you back but the man holds on tighter to you
I look at him scared what was that?!
ethan looks back at you, looking worried I don’t know, but just stay behind me, okay?
the person puts a knife to my throat
ethan grabs the man’s arm that was holding the knife to your neck and he pushes it away from you, pushing the man back. he holds onto the man’s arm and he twists it behind his back and pushes the man down onto the floor and pins him down
I’m holding a knife who are you!?
the man who broke in was wearing a black hoodie and black pants, he looked to be 25 years old, he had light brown messy hair and light brown eyes. he looked you up and down then he looked at Ethan
“None of your business.”
ethan stood in between you and the man, he was trying to protect you
I scream as I see the man holding a knife
Ethan quickly pushes you behind him and faces the man what the hell do you think you’re doing in here?! Ethan says as he gets into a fighting position
I turn around seeing the person holding a knife
ethan’s eyes widen as he steps in front of you what the hell?
I scream and pull out my gun who are you?
the robber looked at the gun and then at you two, he chuckled a bit before smiling “don’t worry about it, I’m just here to take a few things, nothing more. So how about you put the gun down before something bad happens, yeah?”
I back away from the intruder with my eyes closed in fear
ethan puts his hand on your shoulder, trying to calm you down Don’t worry babe, I’ll take care of this..