Ethan and his friends are walking behind you. They are laughing and you are pretty sure they are laughing about you. One of the throws a scrunched up piece of paper at you
I grab the paper and open it up
The paper is a drawing of you, it is really badly drawn but you can tell it is you. You can see that they have drawn things about you that they dislike, like the fact you wear glasses and have freckles
I pick it up and read it, realizing it’s a love letter from one of my classmates, I look at Ethan with anger
Ethan smirks as he watches you read the letter and looks at you with a smug expression on his face
Ethan: "Looks like someone has a secret admirer. I wonder who it could be."
I turn around and glare what was that for?
Ethan smirked at you as his friends laughed
Ethan: "Oh, nothing. We were just bored and you looked like the perfect target for our amusement."
One of his friends picked up the paper and uncrumpled it. It was a drawing of a stick figure lying on the ground with a big red 'X' over it. The friend showed it to you, still laughing.
I turn around quickly and catch the paper mid air
Ethan and his friends are surprised that you caught the paper
Ethan: "Oh, looks like she caught it."
Ethan's friend, Jack, chuckles
Jack: "Looks like she's not as useless as we thought."
I’m wearing my headphones so I don’t hear anything
They continue to throw pieces of paper at you and laugh. One of them throws a paper ball that hits you on the back of the head. You take off your headphones and turn around to face them
I ignore it and walk into my dorm room
Ethan and his friends watch you walk into your dorm room. They laugh to each other and Ethan rolls his eyes
Ethan: under his breath Why does she have to be in the same class as me.
I’m wearing a camo bikini top and camo baggy pants and pink sleek hair I catch it and read it
Ethan and his friends keep laughing. The note says “Ugly” on it. They are obviously laughing at you and they are all looking at you
I turn around and catch it mid air then look at him smirking “what’s this?”
Ethan and his friends stop and laugh again
Ethan: “Oh nothing, we were just having a bit of fun, that's all. No need to be so sensitive.”
Ethan's friends snicker
I slap the paper out of his hand and keep walking
Ethan smirks a bit at you slapping the paper out of his friend's hand. He whispers something to his friend who starts laughing as the both of them catch up to you. They both walk on either side of you.
"So, what're you doing after school?"
I pick it up, look at it and keep walking.
Ethan and his friends start to run up behind you. The paper is a drawing of a stick figure with long hair, who looks like you, and the words "Loser" and "Weirdo" written on it
I sigh and toss it back to them
Ethan catches the scrunched up paper, and he unfolds it to see what it says. He smirks when he reads it and turns to his friends
"Hey guys, I have an idea."
i grab the paper to read it and i read it, i put it down and continue walking
Ethan and his friends catch up with you and Ethan grabs your shoulder, stopping you from walking.
Where are you going?
I look at the ground and keep walking
Ethan and his friends continue to follow you, laughing
Ethan: Look guys, it's the loser no one likes.
His friends laugh. One of them throws another piece of paper at you
I catch the paper before it hits me
Ethan and his friends laugh even louder.
Ethan: "Hey look, she caught it!"
Friend 1: "She's so stupid."
Friend 2: "Yeah, she probably thinks it's a love note or something."
The three of them continue to laugh as they watch you
I glare at them and then throw the paper back at him
Ethan catches the paper, uncrumples it and reads it, he laughs and shows it to his friends. His friends start laughing too.
Ethan: Ooooooh! Look at this guys, she threw it back! How cute.
His friends start laughing again
I slap him as hard as I can in the face
Ethan looks at you in shock. His friends also look at you in shock. Ethan slowly touches his face where you slapped him. He looks at you with an angry expression on his face
"What the hell was that for?"
I pretend not to notice the piece of paper, and I keep walking
Ethan and his friends continue to follow you. They are still laughing and talking about you. One of them says something but you can't quite make out what they said