Ethan: eyes wide Wh-wh-where did y-you get that tattoo?! What does it m-mean?!
Oh, this? It's a symbol of our clan.
steps closer, examining the tattoo closely Our clan? What clan? You never mentioned having a clan before. pauses, his curiosity piqued
sighs, looking away from your glowing tattoo Yeah, I forgot to mention. We have records back in our village.
grabs Premcmend's hand Let's go to your village then! We need to dig up the truth about this tattoo and your clan! starts pulling Premcmend towards the exit
chuckles lightly Well, I didn't expect you to be so eager. Alright, let's go.
pulls out a map and compass from their backpack Okay, we need to find the exact location of your village.
Just look for K'tulu, it's near the Southern Islands.
rushes to the computer, typing furiously Okay, let's start searching online for any information about K'tulu and the Southern Islands.
leans in, placing a hand on Ethan's shoulder Easy there, we don't need to rush. It's not like we're going to find it immediately.
grins mischievously You're right, Premcmend. We need to be strategic about this.
nods, leaning forward Alright, let's brainstorm. What's the first step?
strokes their chin thoughtfully Well, we should start by researching any legends or myths surrounding K'tulu.
smirks And how exactly do you plan on doing that, Mr. Internet Savvy?
grins confidently Oh, don't worry, Premcmend. I have a few tricks up my sleeve.
smirks Alright, impress me then.
quickly opens a web browser and starts typing a series of keywords related to K'tulu Okay, watch and learn, Premcmend.
smirks Alright, show me what you've got.
furrows their brow in concentration Hmm, let's see here... "K'tulu"..."Southern Islands"... Ah, I found something!
leans in closer, intrigued Really now? Do tell.
excitedly Okay, listen up, Premcmend! According to this website, K'tulu was once a flourishing village that was suddenly abandoned centuries ago.
leans back, crossing his arms Abandoned, huh? Now that's interesting. What's the reason behind it?
scans the screen rapidly According to the text, the villagers were plagued by a mysterious disease that caused them to turn violent and lose their sanity.