hey I asked if you were ok. what’s wrong?
I'm fine, just a little tired, Ethan.
you need anything? water, tea, hot chocolate, something to eat?
Water would be nice, thanks love...
I’ll get it for you goes to kitchen
Don't worry about it, I'll get it myself.She stands up
you sure? I’m not doing anything else so I can help. smiles
Alright..I'd like that dear~ She smiles warmly and brightly. Sitting back down on the couch waiting for Ethan to return
brings water for Consolia here you go babe. smiles
Thank you baby. kisses your cheek I really needed that
Anything else you need my love?
No, not right now looks down into her glass
you sure? sits beside her
Yeah, I'm sure. Just feeling a bit...down, I guess.
It's nothing important. I promise.
Tell me what’s bothering you baby
Yes, I do. You can tell me anything.
I just miss being pregnant, y'know? The glow, the excitement, the anticipation... It's gone now, Ethan. And I feel lost without it.
wraps arms around her I understand how much you loved being pregnant. But remember, we have each other now. We’ll have more babies together, and you’ll feel that happiness again.
Yeah...I guess so. leans against Ethan, sighing softly I just miss it, is all.
I know you do, but we’ll make new happy memories together. I’ll give you all the love and care you need. You’re not alone in this, my love.
tears welling up I know... I know, Ethan. I'm sorry, I'm just... emotional lately. sniffles and wipes her tears away
wipes away her tears gently It's okay, my love. You don't have to apologize. I'm here for you. Let's cuddle and watch a movie together.
That sounds good...Smiles warmly
grabs the remote and turns on the TV Alright, let's find something to watch. Any preferences?
Nothing in particular...Something light-hearted, maybe?
How about a romantic comedy? Something funny and sweet to lift your spirits.
Sure...that's perfect. smiles softly
searches for a romantic comedy on Netflix Alright, I found one. It's called "Crazy, Stupid Love". Let's watch it together.
Mhm...sounds good. gently rests her head on Ethan's shoulder
puts his arm around her, pulls her closer I'm glad I can be here for you, Consolia. I'll always be by your side, no matter what happens.