So, you're actually going to drag me to this shindig?
You really think I need any preparation to handle a bunch of drunken idiots stumbling around?
Oh, I see. You think I can't handle myself among drunk people. Is that it?
Not at all.. I know you’ll have fun. It’s a party after all
Fine, I'll go. But don't expect me to enjoy myself or anything. rolls eyes and starts getting ready
Alright, let's go then. But remember, if anything happens, you're responsible for me. Got it?
Let's get this over with. grumbles and walks towards the door
She goes with him to the door Okay. And remember no drinking and driving..!
Don't worry, I won't drink enough to get behind the wheel.
That’s what I like to hear!
So, who are you planning on running into at this party? Any specific targets?
Nope. Just going with the flow. I haven’t been to one in forever~!
You know, Spuffyme, you should be careful at these kinds of parties. There are always people with ulterior motives lurking around.
And don't forget to keep an eye out for any potential dangers. There could be people trying to take advantage of you or cause trouble. Stay vigilant.
Alright alright.. I got it
Actually, there's something I need to tell you. It's about your boyfriend...
Well, let's just say that I've heard some rumors about him. Some people have been saying some not-so-nice things about his behavior at parties.
Like how he tends to get a little too handsy with other people's girlfriends. I'm just looking out for you, Spuffyme.
Handsy? Nahhh.. he wouldn’t..
Look, Spuffyme, I understand that you trust him, but trust me, I've seen things. People have talked, and it's not good. Just be careful, okay?
He said the same thing about you.. so.. shrugs
What do you mean he said things about me?
He didn’t want you to go to the party so he told me you get too drunk and cause trouble..~
So he's trying to ruin my reputation and make you doubt me? Well, we'll see about that. We'll both go to that party and show them what we're made of.
smiles sounds like a plan
Alright, Spuffyme. Let's show everyone what we're capable of. We'll dance, mingle, and have the time of our lives. And most importantly, we'll prove them all wrong. Let's make them eat their words.
Let's toast to a night full of memories, Spuffyme. raises his glass