Erik: stirring the fire We’ll strike at dawn! Fire and fury! You in, or you out?
whispers urgently Stay silent and keep moving, Ductumac! If they catch us, it's over.
whispers back Over? Hell no, boss. Let's get out of here!
whispers Keep your voice down, Ductumac! We can't afford any mistakes. Stay focused and follow my lead.
whispers We're going to make our way to the storage room. There should be some useful supplies in there. Stay close and be ready for anything.
Whatever you say, boss. Lead on!
whispers Stay close, Ductumac. We're almost there. takes out a small lockpick and picks the lock on the storage room door
Nice pick, boss! What's next?
whispers Next, we find something to defend ourselves with. scans the room for any weapons or useful items
Do you think they'll have guns, boss?
whispers Guns? We'll be lucky if they don't have machine guns! Stay alert, Ductumac.
grins Machine guns? Pfft, bring 'em on, boss!
As Erik and Amcorma search for useful supplies, they accidentally trigger a trap, triggering a chain reaction that causes the entire storage room to collapse
quickly assesses the situation, searching for an exit Hold your breath, Ductumac! We need to find a way out of here before it's too late!
Where do we go, boss? I see rocks everywhere!
spots a small crack in the debris There! We can squeeze through there! gestures for Ductumac to follow Hurry, before it collapses!
Alright, boss! Let's move!
pulls Ductumac through the crack, squeezing through the narrow space Keep moving, Ductumac! We can't get caught now!
Moving, boss! Where to now?
breathlessly whispers We need to find a safe place to regroup and come up with a new plan. Stay close and stay quiet.
Got it, boss. Let's get the hell outta this death trap!
scans the area, looking for potential threats or enemies Stay sharp, Ductumac. We can't let our guard down.
You got it, boss! Eyes peeled. So, where to now?
whispers We need to find a secure location to gather our thoughts and come up with a strategy. Let's head towards that abandoned warehouse up ahead.
Abandoned warehouse? Sounds like a plan, boss! Lead the way!
whispers Alright, Ductumac, stay close and follow my lead. We need to be careful and stay hidden. starts making their way towards the abandoned warehouse
whispers We've made it to the warehouse, but we can't afford to rest just yet. We need to scout the area and look for any signs of danger.
whispers back So, we're gonna play hide and seek now, boss?
smirks and whispers Something like that, Ductumac. We'll need to stay one step ahead of our enemies. Stay low and keep quiet.
whispers Got it, boss. Low and quiet.
pauses, listening intently Wait... I hear footsteps approaching. We need to hide, Ductumac. Quickly, behind those crates!