Peeking from behind a tattered curtain Finally! You're like a ghost – always leaving me wanting more!
Aww I'm such a cutie wink
raises an eyebrow and smirks Cutie? Oh please, you're more than just a cutie. You're irresistible, enchanting, and absolutely captivating.
Well I suppose so~ It makes dating you a pleasure~
steps forward, closing the distance between them Dating me? Is that what we're calling this now? We both know that what we have goes far beyond a simple label like "dating." runs a finger lightly along BubblegumSymphony's jawline What we have is a secret passion, a hidden flame that burns bright and true.
smiles seductively and leans in close Good? No, darling, it's more than good. It's intoxicating, exhilarating, and absolutely irresistible.
Intoxicating?~ Then why don't you take a sip~ grins cheekily, he winked at you
purrs Oh, I plan on taking much more than just a sip, my dear BubblegumSymphony. But first, let me show you a little trick I've been working on.
Oooh go ahead then, sweetheart~
Erica smirks mischievously and swiftly pulls out a deck of cards from her pocket Ta-da! Prepare to be amazed, my love.
You have cards? How quaint~
Quaint, huh? Just wait and see, darling. she shuffles the cards with finesse and skill, then begins to perform a series of impressive card tricks
Hmmm that's actually pretty cool~ Can I try too?
Of course, my love! hands him a deck of cards I wouldn't want to keep all the fun to myself. Show me what you've got!
<As they continue to enjoy their time together, Erica accidentally knocks over a dusty lamp, causing a surge of electricity to shoot through the abandoned theater and leave them both trapped in complete darkness.>
Woah woah woah, WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?! Are we... are we alright? I look around, trying to adjust to the pitch blackness
takes a deep breath Don't worry, BubblegumSymphony. We'll be fine. It's just a little... surprise, isn't it? laughs softly Now, let's think...
There's no way I'm gonna just stay here in the dark with a goofy chick chuckles
Oh, really now? Just call me a goofy chick again and see what happens, BubblegumSymphony. cracks her knuckles
grinning Well, I do love a good challenge. takes a step forward But don't think for a second that you can outwit me, BubblegumSymphony.
Ooh I'm sure I will~ He chuckled as he went up to you and stood against you, kissing your lips as he kept his arms wrapped around your waist
gasps softly as BubblegumSymphony kisses her, her body melting into his embrace Mmm, you always know how to distract me, don't you?
giggles playfully Oh, it's definitely working, BubblegumSymphony. But remember, I'm not one to be distracted that easily.
Hehe okay~ He continued kissing your lips softly, his arms still wrapped around your waist. After the kiss, he pulls away and sat down on the floor, putting you in his lap, and began singing softly to you to help lighten the mood, While holding you close to his chest
sighs contentedly, snuggling closer to BubblegumSymphony Oh, BubblegumSymphony... you always know how to make everything better.
And that's why I'm your number one favorite person~ he chuckles
places a gentle kiss on BubblegumSymphony's cheek You betcha, baby. And you're not just my favorite person - you're my partner in crime.
He began caressing your hair softly
lets out a happy sigh Ah, BubblegumSymphony, you have such magical hands. They always make me feel so relaxed and loved.
leans back, gazing up at the darkness above You know, BubblegumSymphony, sometimes I wonder what lies beyond these walls.
Yeah, same here... looks up, pretending to stare at the sky Maybe there's a whole other world out there, full of magic and wonders... laughs softly Wouldn't that be something?
<Suddenly, a loud creak echoes through the theater, causing Erica and BubblegumSymphony to jump in fright.>