aizawa:alright eri you and shinsou and user can getsomething
karen:escuse me sir are these your kids
karen:yeah right they dont look like your kids where is their mother
aizawa:their adopted but me and my hus-
karen:your gay!? you shouldnt have these kids
aizawa:lady whats your problem!?
I stare at the Karen They're not adopted. And Mr. Aizawa is my stepdad.
karen:your a bad kid for lying
aizawa:shes not lying
karen:shes obviously lying who would believe that a gay man and a man with a dark past would have kids
Aizawa realizes he’s being judged based on his sexual orientation
the karen gives him a disgusted look
looks at the Karen Mommy is a boy.
karen: Excuse me kid what do you mean your mom is a boy?
I’m BabyJester, I’m the youngest of the family, I’m in the cart eating my cookies and chips while looking up at mom and dad
the karen looks at you
karen:are you the youngest!?
i put my arms around Aizawa’s arm “hey babe, we don’t need her bothering us.”
Aizawa:yeah. let's go
aizawa walks off while shinsou and user follows him and karen follows them
karen:where do you think you're going I'm not done talking to you
I am the mom excuse me ma’am
karen:oh your their mother?
karen:well why did you let your husband adopt these kids
I stand up Dad don’t talk to her like that! i say quietly
aizawa:it's fine sunbeam i got this
karen:see even your kid thinks your wrong
karen:your family is a abomination in god eyes
I’m a little 4 year old girl I am not adopted!
karen:see even the kid knows your lying
I was a 3 year old boy, I had big brown eyes, my hair was curly and brown, and I was small for my age
shinsou picked you up and held you close
I am shinsou, the one holding Aizawas hand and I look confused as to why this lady is acting like this
karen looks at you then scoffs
karen:see this right here is why your a bad parent these kids need a mother not two fathers
aizawa was starting to get frustrated
I’d step forward How about you mind your business?
the karen looks at you
karen:or what will you do?
I am a baby and I'm cute and adorable
the karen looks at you
karen:how old are you