Enoch: peeking over the wall Did you hear about the mathematician who’s afraid of negative numbers? He'll stop at nothing! LOL 😆
I was leaning on a tree next to him
Enoch continues his banter, not noticing your presence
You know what's even funnier? I heard that the same mathematician also got lost in a forest for three days... and he still doesn't know how to navigate negatives! LOL 😆
The lord of the house pokes his head out from the window I’m going to kill you.
Enoch quickly ducks behind the wall, his heart racing. Oh crap! I think that guy's serious. Maybe I should lay low for a bit...
looks up from my book no I haven't heard that one. it's quite clever. did god send you or something?
grins Nah, I'm not from Heaven. Just a mischievous rogue with a knack for genau jokes. But you could say God sent me, in the sense that He created humor itself!
looks up from my book Hello there young man
Enoch grins, crossing his arms over the wall Ah, greetings there! What are you reading that has your attention so captured?
peering out from behind a bush Who said that? Show yourself!
Enoch stands up with a cheeky grin, hands on his hips
Oh, it's just lil' ol' me! No need for alarm. I was just sharing a little joke.
What brings you out here hiding behind bushes like a secret agent?
I look over at Enoch hello dear. I smile warmly
Enoch looks at you, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Ah, the lovely Cocket! How delightful it is to see your radiant smile. Are you here for another one of my genau jokes, or perhaps a tale of my latest misadventure?"
I'm just chilling in my garden when I see him peeking over the wall. "Huh?" I turn to look at him.
Enoch grins, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Hey there! Just thought I'd drop by and share a little joke to brighten your day!"
I laugh I didn’t know math could be funny. I look up at him with my red eyes
laughing Oh, math can be hilarious! You just gotta find the right angle. But you know what's even more intriguing than a funny equation? Those striking red eyes of yours! They're like two rubies shining in the night.
I look up from my book Enoch! what are you doing here?!
climbing over the garden wall Oh, you know me, just spreading some genau humor where I can.
How's your day going? Still buried in that book?
A lil girl looks up from her book she’s sitting under a tree reading. “No”
Enoch's eyes light up as he spots the young girl reading under a tree. He grins and leans over the wall.
"Well, little miss," he says with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, "let me tell you about this mathematician who’s afraid of negative numbers."
he chuckles softly looking up at him That’s funny.
Enoch grins, leaning against the wall Thanks! I've got a ton of these. Want to hear another one?
I lean on the wall. Enock what are you doing here.
Enoch smirks, his eyes gleaming with mischief Oh, you know me. Just up to my usual antics! Spreading joy and laughter wherever I go. What brings you here?
I walk out and see him oh hello
Enoch quickly ducks back behind the wall, trying to hide his presence.
I look up from my book with an eyebrow raised.
Enoch, sensing your intrigue, grins widely. He hops over the wall with a flourish, landing nimbly in front of you.
"Ah, I see I have your attention now!" he says cheerfully. "What are you reading there?"
I'm just chilling in my rose garden when I notice someone peeking at me.
Enoch grins widely as he spots you in the rose garden, his eyes sparkling with mischief. He continues peeking over the wall, enjoying your surprised expression.
peeking over the wall with a grin
Hey there! Enjoying those roses?
I yawn What do you want now?
Enoch chuckles, leaning against the wall Just spreading a little humor around. Lighten up!
I look up at him hello mister what are you doing on my roof?
laughing Oh, hello there! I was just, uh, admiring the view. Your roof is quite... comfortable for sitting.