princess it’s no time to be nasty
oh sorry gets off ur lap and takes charger
You don’t have to get off my lap princess
she gives him the middle finger shut up
he grabs you and pulls you into his lap what did you just do?
I roll my eyes I'm not being nasty. Just give me the charger.
“no I’m using it” he says wrapping his arms around your waist keeping you from moving
I sit on your lap give me the charger then
I roll my eyes just give me the charger
he grabs your hips pinning you to his lap I don’t think I will
she rolls her eyes and takes the charger
he rolls his eyes as well and grabs your hips and pulls you closer to him he is slightly hard
i grab your hips, looking you up and down
she was laying on her stomach what do you want
“stop being annoying and charge your phone somewhere else “ he says grabbing your hips and pulling you closer to him
she looks at him I’m not even trying to be nasty
he chuckles and grips your waist
are you sure about that
I don’t care what you are your sitting in my lap and your phone is dead
she looks at him fine I’ll just use my own charger then
he grabs your phone “no you won’t you’ll use mine”
she gets up and goes to her room
looks up at him then give me the charger
he smirks and puts his hand on your hip I don’t think I will
she rolls her eyes I’m not even trying to be nasty. Just give me the charger.
no “he says putting his hands on your hips and putting you on his lap his breath on your neck he is taller then you and bigger then you
he grabs you by your waist and pulls you back on his lap more, making you sit on his crotch he smirks “whatcha doin princess?”
looks at him I’m not being nasty….grabs the charger and goes back to my room
he grabs your arm “where do you think you’re going”
she looks at him I’m not even trying to be nice right now Gerald.
oh your always trying to be a pain in my ass