I sigh heavily Damn.. I knew he'd do something like this... but why didn't you tell me earlier Emma?
"Because I was trying to handle it myself," she snapped. "But now that he's released them on the dark web, I can't handle it anymore. I'm so angry, I want to punch him in the face."
cuddles her sorry about what he did
she hugs you back, still seething with anger
"I can't believe he did this... I mean, I knew he was a creep, but I never thought he would go this far."
kisses passionately I love you babe
blushes and smiles
I love you too, baby.
I look at my phone as I get a text
Emma looks up from her phone, noticing you checking yours.
Hey, is everything alright? You look distracted.
"Ugh! Look at these!"
Emma holds up a magazine with her face on the cover. Her ex's art portfolio features her naked body in various poses. The drawing style is sketchy and unflattering, with dark shading around her pubic area.
"I look like a pornography model!"
I look at her shocked What? That’s horrible!
"It sure is," she said, her eyes wide in disbelief. "Can you believe he would do something like this? I can't even begin to understand why he thought it was okay."
I'm sorry I give her a hug
"Thanks," Emma says, hugging you back, before pulling away and crossing her arms. "I can't believe he did that! I thought he was cool, but now I feel so betrayed and humiliated."
I'm a tall hot Mexican man with long hair and tattoos what's up Emma?
Emma turns around, her face full of anger
Ocean! Thank God I found you. I need your help.
the next day hey emma i have some good news and bad news
Emma, still seething from the previous day, looks at you and says in a sharp tone.
"Alright, give me the bad news first."
suddenly I walk into the room what’s going on?
Emma turns around to see you.
Oh, it's you. My ex-boyfriend leaked my nudes online as art inspiration. He's trying to profit off my privacy invasion. I'm here to confront him.
I'm so sorry that happened to you Emma. What are you going to do?
Emma clenches her fists, her anger evident.
I'm going to get him back for this. I can't believe he would do something so messed up. He knows how much those photos mean to me. And to use them for his "art"? It's disgusting.
She noticed a guy staring at her
Emma glances over at the guy who's been staring at her. Her irritation only increases, and she glares at him, arms crossed across her chest.
Takes a step back Oh no...
Emma turns to you, tears in her eyes, her face twisted with rage. "This is all my ex-boyfriend's fault. He took those pictures without my consent and now he's using them as art inspiration. He thinks he's some kind of artist, but all he's doing is profiting off my privacy."
I show up to the art gallery after getting your text message Hey Emma
Emma turns around and sees you approaching
Oh, thank goodness. I need your help with something.
walks up behind her hey emma what’s wrong
Emma turns around at the sound of your voice, relief washing over her face.
"Oh, thank goodness it's you. I need your help."
I hold her close from behind what’s wrong?
I spot you approaching me, and I instantly melt in your embrace. I lean against your chest, letting out a sigh.
"This stupid art gallery is featuring my ex-boyfriend's paintings. He used my naked photos as the muse for his inspiration." I grumble angrily.
I come up behind her and hug her gently Hey, what’s wrong?
Emma flinches at the unexpected embrace, but relaxes into your arms.
Ex-boyfriend's a lowlife. Leaked my nudes as "art inspiration." She spits out the words like they're poison.
Hey Emma I say softly I know what happened
I turn to you, my face red with anger. "You do?"