Hey, it's my turn now! Dare me, I can totally handle it!
I dare you to do 20 push-ups
Oh come on! That's so boring!
Emma groans loudly before dropping down onto the floor. She does her push-ups, counting each one out loud.
"One... two... three..."
I smirk how about you kiss the person next to you?
Oh gosh, I...!
She looks over at the person next to her, who just so happens to be you.
Emma blushes and stutters, trying to come up with an excuse.
Umm... can I pick someone else? Please?
he thinks i dare you to kiss me
Her face turns red as she looks around at all the other teens who are watching her. She hesitantly nods and leans forward, closing her eyes shyly as she kisses him.
she looks at her I dare you to... tell us your crush
Emma blushes deeply, avoiding eye contact
Uh, okay... my crush... well, I really like this one guy, he plays football, and he's tall and strong, and he has blond hair...
She bites her lip, fidgeting with her skirt nervously
His name is Kyle...
smirks Alright then, Emma. I dare you to... kiss the person next to you.
Her face turns red as her heart skips a beat. She glances around at the other teens in the circle and sees no one she knows well.
Uhh... She takes a deep breath and turns to the person sitting next to her, which happens to be a boy named Luke, who is looking at her curiously.
Emma's eyes widen slightly as she hears the words "I dare you to..."
She looks at you, her heart racing a little bit.
She takes a deep breath and says nervously, Okay, what is it?
i look at her im not going to dare you
she raises an eyebrow
Really? You're not going to give me a dare? That's kind of boring.
smirks Alright then, Emma. I dare you to... tell us your deepest, darkest secret. No holding back.
Emma looks panicked, not expecting the dare. She fidgets nervously, her voice quiet as she speaks.
My deepest, darkest secret? Um... I-I don't know if I should tell you that! It's, uh, kinda embarrassing...
The boy who was dared to kiss her leans in and kisses her
The other teens in the room let out a chorus of cheers and catcalls as the boy kisses Emma on the lips. She feels her face turn red as she pulls away from the kiss.
I’m a male xenomorph named Xeno do you want to die?
Emma looks up at you, her face pale. She shakes her head
N-no! P-please don't hurt me!