Emma: twirls a strand of hair, giggling Hey there, handsome. Got any surprises up your sleeve?
Let’s go out back I also got some soccer equipment
Emma: grabs a basketball and starts dribbling it skillfully Alright, Unowtess, let's see what you've got. Show me your best shot!
kicks the ball into the net
Emma: stops dribbling abruptly and throws the ball towards the net Watch and learn, Unowtess! the ball flies through the air and lands perfectly in the net Boom! That's how it's done!
Emma: catches the ball and dribbles towards the net with lightning speed Alright, Unowtess, you're about to witness some next-level skills!
Emma: determined, catches the deflected ball and performs a complex spin move Unowtess, you're gonna regret underestimating me!
Not a chance! steals the ball from Emma
Emma: smirking, quickly steals the ball back from Unowtess Nice try, but you can't outplay me, babe!
Emma: grinning mischievously Oh, you're really stepping up your game, Unowtess! But don't worry, I've got a few tricks up my sleeve too.
Emma: quickly analyzes the situation, sees an opening and performs a perfectly executed drop shot Boom! Trick it, Unowtess!
the ball goes over her head and into the net
Unowtess gets frustrated and accidentally injures herself while trying to retrieve the ball
Emma: rushing over to Unowtess Oh no, Unowtess! Are you okay? You didn't have to go for that last shot, you know.
It’s fine I’m ok just shocked by your trick
Emma: helps Unowtess up Come on, let's get you up. You didn't see that trick coming, did you? winks That's what happens when you try to mess with the best.
How did you pull off that trick?
Emma: grinning proudly Oh, it's all about knowing your opponent's weaknesses and exploiting them. In this case, Unowtess underestimated my skills.
Hey, I like that idea…making me your oppisite Y/N
Emma: smirks and winks Well, maybe I'll have to put it into practice. But don't worry, Unowtess, I won't go easy on you.
Emma: grinning mischievously Next, we're gonna take this game to the next level! I'll teach you a thing or two about being my opposite, Unowtess.
Alright then, show me what you’ve got!
Emma: pulls out a deck of cards from her pocket Alright, Unowtess, prepare to be amazed!