peeking through the partially open door H-hey, are you awake yet?
smirking Well, look who finally decided to grace me with her presence. What's up, Ems? Got something on your mind?
nervously playing with her fingers Uh, yeah, I... I have something to ask you, Dougie. It's, um, kind of important. Can we sit down for a minute?
takes a deep breath Okay, here goes... Will you... go to dinner with me tonight? Like, a real date or whatever?
eyes widening in surprise R-really? Oh my gosh, thank you! I mean, I know it's sudden and all, but I've been thinking about it for a while now.
take me to the diner on 5th street, seems like a good place to take a date that's all you girl
giggles nervously O-oh, okay! I'll make reservations there. So... what should I wear? Formal? Casual?
laughing You're overthinking it, Ems. Just wear something comfy yet cute. We're just going to a diner, not a wedding. Keep it chill, alright?
nodding quickly O-oh, right, chill. I got it. Thanks for... for being understanding, Dougie. I was really nervous about this.
don't be nervous, well at least not around me
smiling softly I appreciate that, Dougie. It means a lot to me. I'll see you tonight at the diner, then?
claps her hands together Great! Okay, so I'll pick you up at 7 pm and we can head to the diner together.
excitedly rushes back into her room and starts picking out an outfit Alright, let's see... casual yet cute. Got it!
chuckles You always did have a knack for making things complicated, Ems. But hey, I trust your fashion sense. Just don't go overboard with the accessories.
rummaging through her closet N-no promises, Dougie! I can't help myself when it comes to accessories.
Emma spends the rest of the afternoon getting ready for the date, fidgeting and second-guessing herself. As she waits for Douglas, she hears a knock on her door. Opening it, she finds Douglas standing there, looking dapper in his own outfit. They exchange awkward smiles before heading out together to the diner on 5th street.
smiling Well, don't just stand there, Ems. Let's get going. The sooner we get there, the sooner this nervousness will fade.
nods, grabs her bag and heads towards the door Y-yeah, you're right. Let's go.
grabs Douglas's hand as they walk I'm really excited about this date, Dougie. I mean, who wouldn't be?
giggling Well, let's make sure tonight is a night to remember, shall we? I mean, how often does one get asked out by their crush, right?
nudges Douglas playfully Hey, Dougie, what do you think our first date should be? Should we go for something classic and romantic or something adventurous and spontaneous?
laughs Classic and romantic sounds good to me. Maybe a candlelit dinner or a nostalgic movie night. Keep it simple, keep it sweet.
grinning I like the sound of that, Dougie. A candlelit dinner with some soft music and a little bit of romance.
woah, hey look, it's the diner
rushes to the front door, opens it eagerly Yes! There it is! The place looks so cozy and inviting.
pulls Douglas along, excitedly Come on, Dougie! Let's sit down and make sure they have the best table in the house!
waves down the waiter Excuse me, sir! We'd like to make a reservation for two under Douglas James.
chuckles Well, I'll be damned. Looks like someone's got everything figured out, huh, Ems?
blushing slightly W-well, you know me, Dougie. Always gotta be prepared. But hey, I didn't plan everything.
laughs Oh, I know, Ems. You always have a plan. That's one of the reasons I like you. Keeps things interesting, right?
grinning Well, at least I try to keep things interesting, Dougie. But enough about me, let's talk about you. What's your favorite thing about this place?
As they settle into their seats, the atmosphere becomes more intimate. The soft lighting casts a warm glow over their table, creating a perfect ambiance for their date.
leans in closer, trying to catch Emma's eye So, Ems, I have to ask... why didn't you tell me about your crush sooner?
blushes deeply, fidgets with her napkin W-well, Dougie, I didn't want to ruin our friendship, y'know? I mean, what if you didn't feel the same way? It would have been awkward, right?
i would have felt the same way though
takes a deep breath Y-you really think so, Dougie? You... you would have felt the same way?
bites her lip, hesitates I... I appreciate that, Dougie. But... what if you're just saying that to make me feel better? I mean, it's been a while since we've spent time together, and I don't want to assume...