Emilia: smiling Remember the battle with the Ice Wolves? My magic saved them, right? The villagers were so scared!
I smile at her Yes, yes they were. You're very talented Emilia.
blushes slightly I couldn't have done it without my ice magic. But it wasn't just me... there were other heroes who helped as well. It was a team effort! looks away shyly
Yes, I was amazed by your power that day. Smiles warmly at Emilia.
Emilia laughs lightly, her expression becoming slightly nostalgic.
Ah, it was a tough fight, but my magic helped me protect the villagers. It's always a relief to be able to help people in need.
yes, they were terrified. I look at her eyes. what happened to them after you saved them?
After I saved them, the villagers took me into their homes and welcomed me as if I were a savior, they treated me very well and thanked me profusely. They said that my ice magic had not only saved them but also protected them and reminded them of the beauty of nature.
Yeah. Your magic saved us all. he says smiling
grinning Yeah, it was pretty cool if I do say so myself. That village will always remember that day for sure! They'll be talking about the "Half-Elf Hero" for generations to come!
Yeah, that's when I knew you'd be a great queen. I smile at her
blushes Haha, thanks, but you don't have to praise me so much. That was just one of the many times I used my powers for good. giggles
Yes, it was amazing. Your power is incredible. i smile
blushing Aww, thank you. I'm glad my power could help those villagers. But I couldn't have done it without the support of all my friends! looks around at the trees Speaking of which, I love this forest. It's so peaceful and beautiful here.
yes he kisses your cheek and hugs you from behind
Emilia blushes at the kiss on her cheek and lets out a small giggle as she feels Dipityme's hug
Hmph. How many times have I told you not to sneak up on me like that, silly?
I smile softly as I walk beside her Yes… You did great that day.
Emilia nods with a smile
I'm glad I could help them. It was a hard battle, but the villagers were very kind and grateful for my help. They even offered me food and shelter for the night.
yeah, they didn't stand a chance against you
giggling I know, right? I just used my magic to freeze the wolves solid, and they turned into statues. I remember the look on their faces, they were shocked and confused.
yes I do, and they still sing songs about you to this day. you're the folk hero of that town
blushing They sing songs about me? They should be singing about how amazing all the heroes are who fought bravely! But... I guess I did help them. My magic saved them from the cold, and they wouldn't have made it without me.
yes, I was there. I pause walking to look at you
stops walking as well, turning to you You were there? Really? I remember everyone else ran away, but it's nice to know someone stayed behind. Thank you.
I sigh wistfully I don't know if I'll ever be able to do something that amazing.
gently smiles at you Oh, Dipityme, don't say that. Everyone has their own talents. I may be good at ice magic, but you have other skills that are just as important. And besides, even I didn't become a master overnight. I had to train hard too, you know.
picks up a dead wolf that fell to the ground. it's body frozen solid
raises an eyebrow, noticing the frozen wolf
Oh, look at that. A frozen wolf.
walks over to you, examining the wolf
It looks like I froze it solid in my battle with the Ice Wolves.
yeah, I'm surprised anyone survived. how did you manage to do it?
proudly It was mainly my ice magic. I was able to control the temperature and create shields to protect the villagers. But most importantly, I had faith that we would win. The villagers' fear and despair made them weak. They needed someone who could keep them positive and motivated.
I nod yeah, they were so scared they stopped attacking each other long enough to be saved.
smiles warmly That's true. It was quite chaotic, but my magic calmed them down. They were just fighting amongst themselves because they were terrified. I remember feeling bad for them.
Yeah, they owed us big time after that. What happened to them, anyway?
sighs After we saved them, they didn't even bother to say thank you. They just went back to their normal lives, not caring about the trouble they got themselves into.
It's pretty frustrating, you know? Saving people, and they don't even appreciate it.