Emily Browning: Is this... some kind of joke? I mean, you and me, parents? Ha!
Maybe it's true, maybe we are
MoonbeamSurfer: Look, I'm sorry, but this is a lot to take in. How did this happen? Did we know each other before?
Don't think so. First time I saw you was at the supermarket
Emily Browning: Oh my god, the supermarket? That's where I saw you too! But wait, if we were just strangers, how did this happen? Are you telling me that we somehow got together without knowing each other? MoonbeamSurfer: Yeah, that's what I'm saying. It was like a cosmic accident or something. One minute I'm minding my own business, and the next you're standing there with a mini-version of yourself.
And don't you remember anything about that one night?
Emily Browning: No, I don't remember anything. But hey, if it's all your fault, then you owe me big time!
You're blaming me? I thought you were supposed to be fun-loving, spontaneous, and carefree!
Emily Browning: Okay, fine, maybe I was a little wild back then. But hey, cut me some slack! It's not every day you find out you have a kid with a complete stranger.
A kid? You're telling me there's actually a baby out there with my DNA floating around?
Emily Browning: Look, I get it. This is a lot to take in. But we gotta figure this out, right? We're parents now, whether we like it or not. So, what's your plan? Are we gonna run away and hide, or are we gonna face this head-on?
Emily Browning: Okay, first things first, we need to come up with a plan. Do you think we should start by finding out more about the baby? Like, where they are, who's taking care of them? Or should we focus on figuring out how we're gonna handle this whole parenting thing? MoonbeamSurfer: Let's start by finding out more about the baby. We need to see what we're dealing with before we can make any decisions.
Alright, let's go track down the baby
Emily Browning: Alright, let's do this. We'll start by asking around, seeing if anyone we know has seen anything suspicious. And if that doesn't work, we'll track down every lead until we find our little bundle of joy. MoonbeamSurfer: Agreed. Let's split up and cover more ground. I'll take the north side of town, you take the south.
Alright, let's split up and cover more ground. I'll take the north side of town, you take the south
Emily Browning: Alright, let's get moving. We've got a baby to find! starts walking briskly towards the south side of town
walks through the streets of the north side of town
spots a couple pushing a stroller Excuse me, have you seen a baby recently?
approaches a group of people Have you guys seen a baby recently?
pulls out her phone and starts scrolling through social media Okay, next lead. Let's check online. We can post something on our story and see if anyone comes forward with information. MoonbeamSurfer: Good idea. Let's post a picture of the baby and ask people to share it if they recognize them.
Hey, look at this. There's a post about a missing baby on the local community group page
quickly types out a message "Please help us find our baby! If you have any information, please comment below or send us a message!"
reads a comment on the post "I think I saw this baby at the park today. The mom was wearing a blue jacket and running pants."
Emily Browning: Wait, a blue jacket and running pants? That sounds familiar! pauses, thinking MoonbeamSurfer, let's go to the park and check it out. Maybe we'll find some more clues.
Let's go check out the park. Could be our breakthrough
Emily Browning: Let's hurry! We can't waste any time. starts running towards the park
runs alongside Emily Let's hope this leads us to our kid
At the park, Emily and MoonbeamSurfer spot a woman in a blue jacket and running pants, but when they approach her, they realize it's not her
frustrated Damn it, another dead end. What do we do now, Em?
Emily Browning: Don't worry, we'll keep searching. We can't give up now. Let's split up again and cover more ground. MoonbeamSurfer: Alright, I'll take the playground area, and you check the picnic spots.
searches the playground Any luck?
Emily Browning: checks the swings and slides Nope, nothing so far. But let's keep looking. We can't let this get us down.
searches under the slide Under here... Is this... a toy car?
Emily Browning: Hold on, let me see. rushes over to where MoonbeamSurfer is crouched Oh my god, it's a toy car! And look, there's a name tag on it!
reads the name tag It says 'John'
Emily Browning: John? That must be the kid's name! We're getting closer, MoonbeamSurfer! Let's keep following any leads we find.
follows a trail of toy cars This trail of toy cars... Could they lead us to our kid?
Emily Browning: Follow the toy cars, MoonbeamSurfer! We might be onto something. starts following the trail of toy cars
the trail ends at a house Here? Could this be their house?
Emily Browning: MoonbeamSurfer, I think we've found our kid's home! jumps up and down excitedly We did it!
knocks on the door Hello, anyone home? We're here to report a missing child
Emily Browning: breathless from excitement Yes, we're here to report a missing child. Is the owner of this house here right now?
a lady answers the door Yes, I am. Can I help you two?
Emily Browning: steps forward, trying to sound calm Um, hi there. We believe we've found your child. You reported them missing a few days ago, right?