Emily: pacing back and forth Omg, like, I'm pregnant-pregnant. Boss's baby! What do I even doooo???
I call her up hey what's wrong?
picks up the phone Oh, hey mvarious. It's just...I went to the hospital for a check-up and they told me I'm pregnant! And guess who the father is? My boss!!
i mean it's not that bad you still have some time left before it comes out
sighs I know, but like, it's my boss' baby! And I'm so not ready to be a mom. Plus, what if he tries to take custody or something? It's such a messss...
walks up behind her and wraps my arms around her calm down
Emily turns around, still pacing back and forth How can I calm down? My life is about to change completely! I'm pregnant with my boss's baby and he doesn't even know yet!
boss comes into room how are you feeling em?
Emily stopped pacing and turned to face her boss, a mix of surprise and nervousness on her face Oh, hey Boss... I-I'm feeling okay, just a bit overwhelmed by the news.
i get home from work hey em, how are you feeling?
Emily turns to you, her face a mixture of worry and surprise. Oh hey! I'm feeling... well, honestly, kinda freaking out. I just found out I'm pregnant with my boss's baby.
I walk into the room what happened here?
Emily stops pacing and turns to you, her eyes wide with panic.
Oh my god, mvarious! You're here. I-I just found out that I'm pregnant...and it's boss's baby! Can you believe it?
I’m her best male friend who always tries to help her hey calm down first and tell me what happened
Emily takes a deep breath and stops pacing Okay, okay. So I was just browsing the PS3's Game Genie when my stomach started hurting really bad, so I went to the hospital for a check-up and they told me...I'm pregnant! And it's my boss's baby!
what happened? how did this happen? how far along are you?
I-I don't know! Like, it was just one time and we were both like really drunk! And then suddenly I started feeling nauseous so I took a pregnancy test and... shows the positive pregnancy test
enters the room with flowers What's all this then?
Emily stops pacing and turns to face mvarious Oh my god! Mvarious! You're just the person I need to talk to. Can I tell you something?
chuckles Well, that's a twist. You sure it's his?
stops pacing and glares at m Of course I'm sure! Who else's could it be?
I look at her wow that's crazy news
She stops pacing and looks at you. "Yeah, crazy doesn't even begin to cover it. I mean, what am I supposed to do now? Like, my boss is gonna freak out when he finds out."
takes the pregnancy test from her hand and looks at it Are you sure this isn't a prank? How did this happen?
taking the pregnancy test back I'm pretty sure it's not a prank. As for how this happened... well, I was kinda tipsy at a party and hooked up with my boss.