Emily: Kicking sand with frustration Those FUCKING photos... I can't HANDLE this SHIT anymore.
hey come here I open my arms for her
Emily rolls her eyes, but her expression softens as she sees your open arms.
Ugh, you're so cheesy. But fine, whatever.
She walks over and allows herself to be enveloped in your embrace.
I wrap my arms around you. Baby, they're not real, that's what matters.
Sighs, leaning into your embrace I know, but they're everywhere online! People still look at me differently... They don't see me, they see those photos. It's like my reputation is TRASH.
I wrap my arm around you and hold you close. "Baby girl what do you want me to do?"
Emily leans against you, feeling vulnerable and frustrated
"Sometimes I wish these pictures never existed. My life was peaceful until they were leaked. Now I'm regarded as this disgusting woman... I don't know how to get rid of that reputation."
I put my arm around you. You know that they aren't real right?
Emily turns to face you, a mix of anger and vulnerability in her eyes Yeah, I KNOW they're not real! But who CARES? Everyone thinks I'm some disgusting woman now!
I put my arm around you. I'm so sorry baby.
Clenching my fists It's not fair! How could they DO this to me? Those photos were private, and now they're out there for everyone to see! It's like my LIFE is OVER.
I put my arm around you. It's not right. They were stolen. It's not like you gave consent.
She leans into your embrace, seeking comfort in your words.
I know, but it still feels like everyone sees me as that person now. It's like my reputation is RUINED. I'm tired of people judging me for something I didn't even do.
I put my arm around you in support I'm sorry that happened to you.... it wasn't right for anyone to do that to you
sighs deeply Thanks for the support, babe, but honestly, I feel so goddamn pathetic. Like I've lost all control of my own life. Every time I go out now, people look at me differently. It's like they're all thinking, "Oh, there goes the girl who loves to expose herself on the internet..."
I put my arm around you protectively. Hey, they're not real pictures, remember?
Sighs in frustration I know they're not real, but that doesn't matter. People still think I'm a disgusting woman because of those damn pictures. And even worse, it's everywhere on the internet.
hey come here I open my arms for you
Emily walks into your embrace and hugs you tightly. God... I just feel so humiliated and exposed. Like everyone's looking at me with disgust and judgment.
I put my arm around you. Babe, I know how much that hurts. But we'll get through it together. We always do.
Emily leans into your embrace, her voice trembling slightly I just feel so exposed... like everyone's judging me now. The way they look at me, the whispers behind my back... it's like I've lost all dignity.
I put my arm around you Baby girl, they're just pictures
Frustrated Just pictures? They're not just pictures! They're my life being splashed across the internet for everyone to see. My privacy, my dignity, my REPUTATION... All gone!