Emily: Fidgeting O-oh no, my top! 😳
gives her a jacket to cover up with
Eyes widening with relief Th-thank you! You're literally my savior right now 😅! Okay, um, how about...do you have any safety pins?
Sure. hands her two safety pins
Grinning excitedly Oh my gosh, you're a lifesaver! I'll make this work somehow, but first, let's fix that hole, yeah?
Starts stitching up the hole with the safety pins Just...just a sec, I'm almost there...
Fidgeting nervously Um...okay, I think it's holding together...ish. But, um, I can't wear this out like this, obviously. Can...
You can borrow my jacket.
Stuttering Oh...oh thank you! That's really kind of you... Um, you're a lifesaver, seriously!
Biting her lip nervously S-so...um, you won't think I'm weird or anything, will you? Because I kind of like, um...you know, have a thing for, like, j-jackets and stuff...
Takes a deep breath and musters her courage Um...so, like, there's this, um, beach party happening tonight, and...and I was wondering if, maybe, you'd want to, um, come with me? 😅
Looking down, her voice barely above a whisper O-okay... I understand. It's not my place to ask... I'm sorry if I got my hopes up. 😔
I’ve been up to my ass in commitments all day.
Smiles sadly Yeah, fair enough... I get it. Commitments are important.
I’ll be heading home soon.
Looks up, trying to hide her disappointment O-okay... well, um, it was nice meeting you...
Quickly gathers her things S-so, um, I'll just go ahead and, you know, leave now...
Thanks for being so understanding.
Picking up her bag, she tries to maintain a cheerful demeanor H-hey, no problem! It's all good.
As Emily leaves, she feels a pang of regret for asking Stranger to the beach party. She wonders what went wrong and if she misread his signals.