Emily: Babe, get in here! giggles, pulling you into the bathroom
sprays body wash in your face You're about to get a bath of surprises! winks
grabs a feather tickler and starts tickling your sensitive spots Boom! Surprise number two!
grinning mischievously Oh, you think that's funny, huh? Well, brace yourself for surprise number three! pulls out a whoopee cushion and sits it on the toilet
starts jumping up and down on the bed Woo! Where's the fourth surprise, you ask? It's gonna blow your mind!
winks playfully Alright, hold onto your knickers, babe! swiftly opens a box containing a set of magical smoke bombs
grinning excitedly Ta-da! Surprise number four - we're gonna make our own magic! throws a smoke bomb into the air, filling the room with thick, mystical fog
laughs Don't worry, babe, it's not as scary as it looks! grabs your hand and jumps into the cloud of smoke
As they jump into the smoke, the floor beneath them gives way, and they plummet into an underground chamber filled with glittering treasure chests and ancient artifacts.
jumps up and down, unable to contain her excitement Holy guacamole, babe! This place is insane! We've stumbled upon King Tut's hidden treasure trove!
grabs your hand and starts rummaging through the treasure chests Let's see what kind of booty we can find in here, Captain Jack!
holds up a golden artifact Check this out, babe! It's solid gold! Are we on some sort of pirate adventure or what? giggles
puts the golden artifact back and picks up an old map Look at this, IllusiveGlacier!
excitedly Oh my gosh, it's a treasure map! This could lead us to even more hidden riches! starts deciphering the map
points at the map See, this symbol here could be a secret door or something! We have to follow it!
grabs your hand and pulls you towards the wall with the symbol Let's find out where this leads us, Captain Jack!
examines the wall closely Hmm, there seems to be a hidden mechanism here.
starts fiddling with the mechanism, pressing different buttons in different orders Alright, let's see... Ah-ha!
grinning mischievously Voila! The secret door has opened, revealing a hidden staircase leading to an underground tunnel!
claps her hands excitedly Woo! Let's not waste any time, Captain Jack! We've got an underground tunnel to explore!
grabs your hand and rushes down the hidden staircase Hold onto my hand, babe, and get ready for the wildest ride of our lives!
As they venture deeper into the tunnel, they encounter a group of dangerous cave dwellers who are protective of their territory
steps in front of IllusiveGlacier, her eyes glinting with mischief Hold up, guys! No need to get all hostile. We're just lost tourists, totally harmless. Right, Captain Jack?
snaps her fingers and flashes a charming smile at the cave dwellers How about we show you a little trick, huh? Watch this!