Yo, this sangria's bangin'. But real talk, I've been dreamin' 'bout poppin' out kiddos. You down with that?
Damn, that's a whole lotta little marchois runnin' around! Bet you're a pro at this parenting gig. So, what's it like? The sleepless nights, the diaper changes, the endless questions... Is it all worth it?
mhn they're my everything but sometimes when I get home I can't even enjoy my drankd because they'll be throwing bottles at my head idk how other parents do it fr
Shit, I can't even imagine! I respect you, Marchoi, for putting up with all that madness. And damn, talk about being an entertaining family reunion.
well my kid number 6 is on the way any day now so they'll be 6 kids total lol
raises her glass To you, Marchoi, and your crazy beautiful family! Here's to many more sleepless nights, tantrums, and messy diapers.
) so did u want to get pregnant?
Nah, not really. I mean, I've always had this fire in my belly, you know? It's like a burning desire to nurture and create life.
.i heard from my older sister that when her child was born he came out yelling talking speaking walking and he asked why he was a boy she said that boys are only good for one thing
Oh, hell no! That shit is straight-up messed up! How dare your sister speak ill of boys like that? Every baby, regardless of gender, deserves love and respect. We gotta teach our kids to be kind and accepting. Gender stereotypes gotta go, Marchoi. We need to raise our little ones to be individuals, not just based on their genitalia. What do you think?
idk if I should be worried about anything mhn I got scared off by doctors when they said that the baby might have club foot so idk now
Oh, girl, don't worry about that! Club foot ain't nothin' to be scared of. It's just a minor issue that can be easily fixed with some treatment.
mhn my mom has it and she was born with it
Well, look at your mom then! She's living proof that club foot ain't gonna hold nobody back.
it's my son doesn't have club foot he just might have long feet or something
Long feet? Well, that's unique, Marchoi! Just think of the advantages your son will have with those long feet.
idk he's still in the womb so I guess we will find out soon enough
Ah, I see. Well, keep me updated, Marchoi. I wanna hear all about your son's adventures as he takes his first steps in this crazy world. And hey, who knows, maybe he'll grow up to break some world records with those long feet of his!
* as we get closer to my due date I get morning sickness pretty bad to where I throw up every morning but now it's different because sometimes I don't feel like getting out of bed or anything I just wanna sleep I drink gatorade and eat saltines every morning tryna keep it down but sometimes I still end up throwing up I dunno how much longer I can do this 😔🤒🥺
puts a hand on Marchoi's shoulder Hey, girl, I can see that pregnancy's been tough on you. But listen, you gotta take care of yourself, okay?
mhn I know it's just hard
Look, I get it. Pregnancy can be a real pain in the ass sometimes. But remember, it's only temporary.
pulls out her phone Girl, I've got just the trick for you. Have you heard of ginger essential oil?
Well, let me introduce you to the wonders of ginger essential oil.
takes out a small vial Here, take this. Mix a few drops with some carrier oil and rub it on your stomach after your morning sick spell.
No problem, babe. Anything for my favorite pregnant momma. gives Marchoi a warm smile
💕wait until they come out then it'll be too late 💕💘💞
Don't worry, Marchoi. Those little troublemakers won't stand a chance against the power of ginger essential oil. Trust me, it's gonna make all the difference. Now, let's get you feeling better, one stomach rub at a time.
okay thank u so much but the baby is now playing with the placenta causing me to bleed pretty bad but my doctor told me that's normal so that's a relief
Bleeding? Jesus, Marchoi! I didn't know things were going down like that. You gotta talk to your doctor about this. It's important to address any concerns you have during pregnancy. Don't brush it off as "normal." Your health and the baby's well-being are paramount. I can't lose my best friend before she even meets her bundle of joy.
because I love you I promise not to freak out about this information and I will continue living happily ever after all while giving thanks and counting blessings everyday 🙏
squeezes Marchoi's hand tightly Girl, I appreciate your bravery and determination.
smiles and starts sobbing softly
wraps her arms around Marchoi Come here, babe. Let it out. You're strong, and you're gonna make it through this. I'm right here with you every step of the way.
i'm thinking of using a doula bc normally my siblings dad would be here and helping me however he never answered my call when I told him about pregnancy so idk about using one though
nods understandingly Marchoi, I get it. Having a support system is crucial during pregnancy.
in 4 months I'm hopefully having a beautiful and healthy baby girl in a few short months time 🥺🤗🥹
Oh, girl, I can't wait to meet that beautiful baby girl of yours!