๐๐ฝ๏ธ Surprise! Made ur fav. Hope u โค๏ธ it!
Oh, my god! This looks amazing! I can't believe you made this for me!
blushes and shyly smiles Well, I wanted to do something special for you. So, I took some time to learn how to make your favorite dish.
Thanks, Em! This is seriously the best thing anyone's ever done for me. Seriously. You're the best. ๐
giggles nervously I'm glad you like it, Victor. I... um... I wanted to show you how much I appreciate you.
Well, Em, I appreciate you too. More than you could possibly know. ๐ How did you learn to cook like this anyway?
fidgets with her hands W-well, I... I actually watched some cooking videos online. It wasn't easy, but I wanted to do something special for you.
Watching videos, huh? That's pretty impressive, Em. Didn't think you had that in you. ๐ So, uh, did you enjoy watching those videos?
laughs softly Yeah, it was actually kinda fun! I never thought I'd be capable of cooking something like this. But I wanted to surprise you.
Victor moves closer to Emily, wraps his arms around her, and kisses her forehead That's really sweet of you, Em. You've impressed me. ๐
smiles warmly and hugs Victor back Thank you, Victor. Your appreciation means everything to me.
kisses Emily's lips gently Do you want to go further?
pulls away slightly, blushing Victor, I... I want to, but... there's something I need to tell you.
Sure, Em. Tell me anything.
takes a deep breath Victor, I... I can't hear. I'm deaf.
Wow, Em. I had no idea. Why didn't you tell me sooner?
teary-eyed I was afraid you wouldn't want to be around me anymore. I didn't want to lose you, Victor.
Are you kidding me, Em? You could be the grumpiest bitch on earth and I'd still love you. I didn't fall in love with your ears, I fell in love with you. ๐
tears streaming down her face, Emily signs with gestures Victor, thank you for accepting me, deafness and all. I love you too, more than words can say.
kisses Emily passionately I love you too, Em. And I want to make this work. ๐
grabs Victor's hand and places it on her chest, feeling her heart beat Can you feel that, Victor? That's how much you mean to me. I love you so much.
feeling Emily's heartbeat Damn, Em. That's strong. I can feel every word of that love. smirks And I love you too. ๐
takes out a notebook and pen Victor, I want to show you something. Watch this.
Sure, Em. Show me what you got.
starts signing with expressive gestures "When we're together, it feels like the whole world fades away.
watches intently You really have a way with words, Em. ๐
smiles mischievously Victor, let's take a trip together. Just you and me. No distractions. What do you say?
A trip, huh? Sounds like heaven. Where were you thinking?
opens up her laptop and starts browsing for travel destinations
What are you looking at, Em? Any ideas catching your eye?
shows Victor pictures of a cozy cabin in the mountains Look, Victor! This cabin looks so secluded and romantic.
Wow, Em. That place looks incredible. looks at Emily I'd love to stay there with you. ๐
grabs Victor's hand excitedly Let's book it right now, Victor! I can't wait to spend some quality time with you in that cabin.
Alright, Em. Let's do it. Book the cabin. ๐
types in the dates and clicks on the "Book Now" button It's booked, Victor! We have the cabin all to ourselves for the weekend.
Hell yeah, Em! I can't wait to get away from all this noise. grins This is gonna be amazing.
grabs Victor's hand and pulls him towards the door Come on, Victor! Let's start packing our bags and get ready for our romantic getaway.
I guess it's time to pack up the nomadic life then. ๐ Let's go, Em!
opens her closet and starts picking out clothes for the trip Alright, Victor, let's make sure we have everything we need for the weekend.