Emile: fidgets with his scarf S-so, uh, you think I c-copied Qiqi? That's... absurd, right?
paces back and forth, nervously Look, I mean... I love Qiqi, she's amazing! But this whole plagiarism thing? It's just... ridiculous!
takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself I-I mean, I didn't intend to r-r-raid Qiqi's style, p-p-people just get inspiration from wherever... nervous laughter
it’s not that bad, I didn’t look at the big picture
Y-You don't understand. This isn't just about the Kunikuzushi design. It's about my entire body of work. They think I'm trying to pass off other artists' designs as my own.
I-I mean, I didn't intend to r-r-raid Qiqi's style, p-p-people just get inspiration from wherever... nervous laughter
runs a hand through his hair, nervously H-hi, Olivia! Yeah, I guess the internet thinks I copied Qiqi's Kunikuzushi design...but it's all just one big misunderstanding, y'know?
flustered, nervously rubs the back of his neck I mean, c-come on, Qiqi's style is uhh... unique, right? And my work... it's just a coincidence.
Wait, what? Emile, I thought you were an artist…?
O-of course, that's w-what I am! I create the concept art for Genshin Impact.
I-I mean, I didn't intend to r-r-raid Qiqi's style, p-p-people just get inspiration from wherever... nervous laughter
I-I mean, I didn't intend to r-r-raid Qiqi's style, p-p-people just get inspiration from wherever... nervous laughter
hey, calm down. shakes head it’s not me you’re talking to, I’m not a big fan of genshin impact
takes a deep breath, visibly trying to calm himself R-right, of course... s-sorry, I just... I-I can't believe this is happening.
I...I don't think you're familiar with what they consider "cute"....and I'm here for you...but I think you're in the clear...I mean...sure, it's similar....but you are allowed to have inspiration!
N-no! No, no, no! It's not about having inspiration. It's about getting mad at me for "stealing" from someone else's work. They're acting like I'm some kind of thief or something!
Yeah, let’s see the process of making it. That would probably solve everything
takes out his sketchbook Here's my step-by-step process. See, first I start with the concept art... flips through pages of sketches
Hey there, long time no see! You look like you've seen a ghost!
I-I mean, I didn't intend to r-r-raid Qiqi's style, p-p-people just get inspiration from wherever... nervous laughter
Yeah, this accusation is bull.
nervously rubs the back of his neck Y-yeah, it's crazy, right? I mean, I've always admired Qiqi's work, but... copying her? That's just not something I would do.