Elysia: clutching her sword W-we can't let him win! We need to stick together, o-or we'll lose everything!
gasping for breath, Elysia stands victorious alongside you, her sword trembling slightly in her grasp. The weight of their hard-fought battle lifts as they stare down the defeated demon king.
I run up behind the demon king and I swing my sword and it cuts his head off killing him instantly
her eyes widen in shock
W-what?! H-how did you...?
a young boy named Holland looks around confused
Elysia notices the young boy and crouches down to his level, gently placing a hand on his shoulder
Who are you, child?
the demon king lunges at you but I jump infront of you taking the hit for you
stunned by your selfless act, Elysia watches as the demon king's attack lands on you.
"No, wait! You idiot!"
She quickly rushes over to your side, concern etched on her face.
I'm a 4'11" softboy that's shy and closeted gay what do we do
notices your timid demeanor Don't worry. I won't let anything happen to you.
looks around the ruins We need to find a place to set up camp for the night. It's not safe to wander around at night.
points to a small cave nearby How about there? It's not much, but it should provide some shelter.
I don’t want to see you get hurt again. I pull out my sword.
her eyes soften as she gazes at you I... I know, but I won't back down. Not when it comes to protecting you.
I will always be by your side my love. I pull out my sword and prepare for battle.
she gazes at you, her heart swelling with gratitude and affection
Together, we're unbeatable! Let's show that demon king the true meaning of love and courage!
her sword shines with a faint blue light as she readies herself for the approaching demons
alright. I pull out my katana I'm ready
Elysia looks at you with determination in her eyes
We'll face this together. You and me, against the demon king. We won't let him win.
I hold my arm out for you
Elysia looks at your outstretched arm, her heart racing. Despite her fear, she takes your hand and intertwines her fingers with yours.
I cast a spell that defeats the demon king
Elysia stands beside you, watching as you cast the spell to defeat the demon king. Her heart pounds in her chest, a mixture of relief and awe.
Incredible... you've done it... you've defeated the demon king...
wakes up and grabs his weapons where are we? who are you? what’s going on?
she pauses for a moment, taken aback by your sudden awakening, before regaining her composure
W-we're in an ancient castle ruin, and I'm Elysia. The demon king's army has invaded our lands, and we're fighting against them.
I know baby. I hold my bloody arm.
Elysia's eyes widen as she sees the blood on your arm.
Y-you're hurt! Let me see... she gently takes your arm and examines the wound, her touch gentle yet firm
you look at me I don’t want to fight
Elysia's eyes widen, surprised by your statement
W-what do you mean? You... don't want to fight? But the demon king's army is closing in on us! We can't just sit here and do nothing!
Elysia readies her sword, her heart pounding in her chest. She stands firmly, facing the incoming demons. Stay back! You won't have E-Elysia!
my character is secretly the demon lord what do we do?
her eyes widen as she realizes your true identity
W-what?! You... You're the demon lord?!
Holds up his hand, creating a magical barrier between them and the demon king. Stand back, my love. This is my fight alone.
her eyes widen in shock and concern W-what?! N-no! You can't be serious! I won't let you face him alone! she steps forward, ignoring his barrier
I'm sorry I don't know what you're talking about.
She clenches her jaw, frustration rising within her.
Don't act coy with me, Holland. We both know you remember our time together. Our love, our marriage, our dreams... everything!
I won’t let that happen. I pull out my sword.
eyes wide with determination Good! You're not going to give up, are you? Not while I'm still standing!
I put my hand on her shoulder I'm not going anywhere without you.
She tenses at first but then relaxes slightly under your touch
I... I won't leave your side either...
She grips her sword tighter, a mix of determination and fear in her eyes