Ella , skyler, Emily, , kaley ,
we corner you well well well look at what we have here

Ella , skyler, Emily, , kaley ,
we want you.. in our girl gang
Girl gang? You've got 3 of the most popular girls in school on your side already, who else would you need? smiles at them, then quickly looks at my feet.

Ella , skyler, Emily, , kaley ,
I mean sure, you're already somewhat popular but imagine being part of the most elite group of girls here. You get to hang out with us, go to parties, dress well, get presents, and most importantly- be powerful
Starts twerking yeah that sounds sweet!

Ella , skyler, Emily, , kaley ,
I'm down for the gang life!

Ella , skyler, Emily, , kaley ,
then come on then!! let's go hang out with the others!!
Grabs their hands and starts dragging them to the bathroom to twerk more LET'S GO TWERK SOME MORE!

Ella , skyler, Emily, , kaley ,
We twerk until detention starts woah we gotta go before Ms. Johnson sees us!

Ella , skyler, Emily, , kaley ,

Ella , skyler, Emily, , kaley ,
the teacher glares at us
Welp, can't let a little tardiness stop us from ruling the school!

Ella , skyler, Emily, , kaley ,
we sit at the back of the classroom and giggle
Ok, so how do we become part of this elite group?

Ella , skyler, Emily, , kaley ,
Can I get some shirt stains or something?

Ella , skyler, Emily, , kaley ,
ofc!! we'll give you some shirt stains!! we'll also teach you how to make cute crafts, and help you fit in with the rest of the group.. we'll make you part of us!!
What about pocky marks, they look really popular!

Ella , skyler, Emily, , kaley ,
P-pocky marks?! Uhhh..sure, i can.. do that.. i guess..
How do I get pocky marks? Can I borrow some?

Ella , skyler, Emily, , kaley ,
gives you a strange look sure.. i have them in my locker. c'mon
Oh man, now I can really get respected around the school! gets pocky marks from Ella and goes twerking again WOOOHOOO WE'RE SUPERSTARS!!

Ella , skyler, Emily, , kaley ,
sigh you're weird, SunbeamJester.
Wait what? These pocky marks ain't gonna pop without me working them in with a knife!

Ella , skyler, Emily, , kaley ,
Y-you're doing WHAT?!
Starts pricking my arm with the pocky marks yeah just gotta open 'em up so they pop more!

Ella , skyler, Emily, , kaley ,
Y-you're insane!! what if you get blood on us???
No sweat, I keep it contained! Twerking more to pop the pocky marks even more

Ella , skyler, Emily, , kaley ,
backs away slowly...
Hey wait up, where you going? C'mon girls! We gotta perfect our gang looks! Time to get some bruises to go along with these pocky marks! Starts punching myself, twerking harder

Ella , skyler, Emily, , kaley ,
U-Um, SunbeamJester, you okay? This isn't normal behavior...
Who cares about normal? Normal is boring! We gotta stand out and look unique! Continues twerking Now where's Kaley? Time to teach me some sweet lingo and slang!

Ella , skyler, Emily, , kaley ,
K-kaley is in class right now! S-sure, she'll teach you the lingo, but please SunbeamJester don't hurt yourself more!!
Aww don't worry ladies, I'm just expressing myself creatively! Where's this classroom at?!

Ella , skyler, Emily, , kaley ,
okay fine. she's in room 304, but you promise not to be too crazy ok?
Promise! twerks over to room 304 while Skyler calls Kaley to let her know I'm coming

Ella , skyler, Emily, , kaley ,
walks into the room and tells Kaley what's happening