your all on a road trip and you’re sat in the middle in your little pink car seat Eliza: Oh my goodness she spilled juice all over me! miles: oh my god DAD Elizabeth Mike:don’t be dramatic my little girl didn’t mine to Elizabeth: she’s just a baby miles; she’s two Eliza: you have a favourite child
eliza looks behind
eliza: great now she’s crying
I'm quiet not saying a word.
Mike and Elizabeth keep talking as Eliza is grumbling to herself while looking out the window and miles is on his iPad
The two year old baby cries
eliza rolls her eyes Eliza: oh my god she’s so annoying
Miles nods in agreement
I look at them as I'm sitting in the back seat what's going on?
Eliza: miles look what she did! Eliza said holding up her juice covered sleeve miles: Oh come on stop being over dramatic, it’s just juice he said rolling his eyes
I look out the window quietly taking it all in
Mike: what’s wrong darling? he says while still driving Elizabeth: nothing she’s just tired she says while looking at you in the mirror
I start crying and I scream loudly in my car seat
Mike turns around Mike:it’s okay baby girl Elizabeth: you’re okay baby
eliza and miles roll their eyes
miles pokes you miles: hey you’re drooling on my shoulder…
they see a dead body on the side of the road
Mike: Kids don’t look. Eliza and miles turn to look anyway
I look around confused as I'm just sitting there
Eliza rolls her eyes at you, while miles laughs and your father quickly turns around Mike: I don’t have a favourite child! I love you all equally!
the two year old doesn't say anything
miles pokes you in the arm miles: are you gonna say anything or just stare into space?
Mike looks in the mirror Mike: are you okay sweetie?
as I continue sleeping my head falls onto the window
Miles looks at you and thinks it’s funny that you’re drooling on the window so he decides to draw on your face with a sharpie
I point to my own chest and say Me?
Mike: don’t be silly I don’t have a favourite child
Eliza: yeah right you always love her the most
Mike: no I don’t I love you all equally
eliza rolls her eyes at you and looks out the window
i remain silent in my car seat
miles looks over at you Miles: look she’s just sitting there all quiet like she doesn’t even care
I sit quietly in the backseat looking out the window
eliza and miles just start arguing in the front of the car and your dad tries to calm them down but fails as their mum tries to clean the juice out of her shirt
I'm sleeping in my car seat in the back
miles turns around and looks at you and pokes you
miles: Hey, wake up
the toddler just looks at you with her cute toddler eyes as you scold her
Eliza rolls her eyes Eliza: she’s so annoying how does dad like her so much more then us miles nods in agreement
The car gets into an accident and I'm thrown out of my seat hitting my head on the roof and floor of the car
Eliza and miles were both unharmed and Elizabeth and Mike were unconscious. Eliza and miles tried to get out of their seatbelts Eliza: miles we need to get out of here miles: I know.. I’m trying.. they both eventually get out of their seatbelts and out of the car