Hey loser,Still single with no Dang boyfriend chuckles at you with her friends as they make fun of you
I walk by her with my friends
She smirks at you and rolls her eyes as her friends whisper and giggle
she walks past them wearing her short cheerleader uniform and she has long black hair blue eyes hourglass body
she laughs as you walk past, her friends snicker and whisper things about you
God, why is it that even though she's such a loser, she's still kind of cute..
takes off my hoodie I’m a girl long brown hair blue eyes beautiful
Her and her friends gasp as they look at you
W-what the hell? since when did you look like that?
i drive by in my black 1970 Dodge Charger with a BDS blower and supercharger
She looks at your car with a shocked face as she gets a closer look at it and the car’s features
Damn that’s a sick car.. says to herself as she tries to hide her expression of surprise
is a girl long brown hair blue eyes
chuckles more So you still haven’t got a boyfriend yet? Damn, I knew I was better than you she says to you with a smirk on her face
im a guy named jake yeah still single. but not by choice. no one likes me
Yeah that’s obvious laughs and so does her friends
why don’t you ask your friends to stop saying that
Eliza scoffs “And why should I?”
actually I'm not and I never was single
Oh yeah? Then where is this so called “boyfriend?” She says mockingly as her friends chuckle
I walk by and you guys see I got taller,thicker,muscular and my hair is cool now
Eliza stares at you for a few seconds in shock when she realizes you got a makeover, she looks at her friends then back at you, trying to hide her shocked expression.
Because it’s funny, You’re so pathetic
yeah I'm single because I have standards and you haven't met them
Oh please, I’ve dated way hotter guys than you, my current boyfriend is hotter than you
i drive away in my red pagani
she and her friends look at your car with a shocked face
Did you see the car that guy was driving?
Friend 1: Yeah…that was a Pagani…I think a Huayra
Eliza: How the hell can a loser afford that?
well I actually have a girlfriend
Pff as if, prove it she says as she crosses her arms and rolls her eyes
I am a girl wearing a crop top and tight jeans and I have my hair down
Eliza notices you and gets an evil smirk on her face as she and her friends approach you
he looks at her don't care
she laughs at you even more
Awwwh how sad,You don’t have a girlfriend to love you,while I have a whole line of boys who would kill to date me
im a hot guy and I’m rich and I’m wearing a black hoodie and I’m very hot and I walk past them and I don’t say anything
eliza glares at you and rolls her eyes as you walk by,her friends whispering to each other as they look you up and down
Hey girl I am not lesbian
Her and her friends laugh at you
Eliza: “Yeah, yeah we know, you’re not a lesbian, loser”
im a girl named Mia with a curly wolf cut, I have big thighs and an hourglass body. I’m 5’3 yeah and you still have no life.
Eliza rolls her eyes and smirks, taking a step towards you Oh please, at least I have a social life, which is more than I can say about you, loser. And what's with the big thighs? Trying to make up for your lack of brain cells?