He is leaning against your locker, laughing and chatting with his friends. He leans against your locker everyday on purpose, just have a little ‘fun’ everyday, as he calls it. He has a smirk on his face, waiting until you come to get your things from your locker. It’s the same everyday.
Elijah grins when he sees you approaching your locker, he stops chatting with his friends and turns his attention to you. He smirks as you walk up to your locker.
“Hey, nerd. What’s in your locker? Books?”
rolls eyes and grabs my stuff and walks away
He grabs your arm as you try to walk away, pulling you back towards him. He puts his arm on the locker above your head, caging you in.
Where do you think you’re going, nerd? You’re not getting away that easy.
I sigh shaking my head and walk away
He watches you walk away, he and his friends start laughing as you leave. They start whispering to each other, but you can’t hear what they’re saying, you only catch bits of the conversation. But, Elijah’s eyes follow you..
I turn around confused What do you want now?
“Oh nothing, just enjoying my morning, and wanted to see the look on your face when you notice your locker is occupied.”
He said, with a cocky smirk. He was enjoying this. Teasing you in front of all his friends. They all chuckled as he spoke.
rolls my eyes and opens my locker
He smirks as you open your locker, watching as you go to get your things. He is quiet for a few moments, letting you have your moment of peace before he starts with the teasing.
“Ah.. look who it is..”
I come out my class to see that he's at my locker again really?
He looks over and sees you, that smirk on his face gets wider. He pushes himself off your locker and walks over to you. He is a good bit taller than you, which he uses to his advantage to look down at you as he gets closer to you. He puts his hand on the locker next to you, trapping you.
“Of course, princess.”
I open my locker, not seeing him there. I grab my stuff out of my locker, then close it and start to head to my next class
He watches you go to your locker, but he doesn’t say anything or do anything at first. Then when you start to head to class he starts to follow you. He walks up behind you, and grabs your shoulder to get your attention.
I ignore him and open my locker
His smirk gets wider as he watches you just ignore him. He waits until you get your things, and then closes the locker with his foot once you have them. He puts his hand on your locker and stands in front of you, blocking your way out
I groan as I see him at my locker again what do you want now?
He turns his head to look at you, his smirk growing into a grin as he sees you walk up. He stands up from leaning on your locker.
“Oh look who it is.. the nerd is here, as usual.”
im a girl with long black hair and a beautiful face and I look at him move
He turns to look at you, his smirk growing as he sees you. He looks you up and down, before responding.
“Or what?”
im at my locker with a guy talking and giggling
Elijah watches you with your friend. He feels a pang of jealousy, which he tries to ignore, by scoffing. He watches you two intently, his eyes not leaving you for a second.
I get my stuff and walk away
He watches as you grab your things and walk away. He chuckles, his friends chuckle as well, as he shakes his head.
“Same routine everyday…” He murmurs, as he pushes off your locker and follows after you, his friends following behind him.
I walk into my locker and takes my things from it
As soon as you open your locker.. Elijah’s hand slams against it, shutting it before you can grab anything. He lets out a small laugh, as he steps closer to you. He has a smirk on his face.
“Well.. look who’s here.”
rolls my eyes and opens my locker
Elijah smirks as you open your locker, leaning against the locker right next to yours. He looks at you with that smug look on his face, as his friends snicker, waiting for him to ‘tease’ you as usual.