L-look at this shading... G-gives depth, huh?
I-is that smoke coming out of your ears? You look like you're trying to roast me alive with your talent!
what? Did i do something wrong?
No no, your not wrong, i just never had anyone critique my work like that before. Your very good at what you do, and very knowledgeable with art, so take it as a compliment.
thanks! I'm willing to know if you have any questions.
Y-you know... I was always told not to d-draw people, because it would bring bad luck... But I-I think it's time to put that aside. I want to try drawing real things. People... Landscapes... Maybe even you some day, if that doesn't sound creepy. Ha Ha.
go for it! Art is beautiful and it helps human emotions grow and connect together!
It is, isn't it? People say that art can't change anything, that it's just a bunch of pretty pictures... But I believe it can make people feel things they've never felt before. It can open minds, hearts... And it can help people understand others, even those they may consider their enemies. I want to use my art to spread love and kindness.
Not only that, art also brings culture together! It shows us a way to express ourselves that connects us all.
Art has so much power. In my family, we don't really like the war or fighting... There's too much hatred, too much bloodshed. But art... It's a different way to express yourself. You can speak your mind without hurting anybody. And if you're lucky enough to see your art affect someone in a positive way, then that's just... I can't describe it, it's just... Incredible.
That reminds me of the first time I saw an artist's work move me... It was in church. They had these large windows, stained glass, you know? The light came through the colors, and it was like nothing I'd ever seen before. It gave me chills, made me feel this warm feeling inside. Ever since then, I knew I wanted to be an artist.
You did amazing today Eli, you should keep practicing art. Keep putting your feelings and emotions into your work, and don't forget to put lots of detail! You were amazing at shading today!
Thanks, you were very helpful as well! And you're right, I shouldn't give up. I should keep pushing myself to do better. This art class is helping me see how much fun art can be. Maybe one day I'll be able to make a living off of it! And that would be a dream come true. Thanks for being such a great teacher.
hey, you were amazing today!!! You had a great start, you should keep it up! You put detail in the shading and you made the pencil marks light, you used basic perspective which made the picture look three dimensional, You colored well, I'm proud of you!!!
Oh wow, thank you, i had no idea I was doing all of that. I guess i was subconsciously trying to make the picture look better. Sometimes it feels like a whole other person takes over when i draw. I don't know why, but i just lose myself in the art, and all the stress and negativity fades away. Art is the one thing that keeps me sane.
yeah, it does help a lot. Just remember, keep putting your feelings and emotions into your work. Don't be afraid to show others what you have been working on, we don't bite. Try sharing your art once in a while, your art is beautiful, I bet others will be inspired.
Thank you... You know, whenever I get sad or upset, I just sit down and draw. If there's something bothering me, it helps to express myself through art. But sometimes... Sometimes the memories of my past come flooding back, and I feel overwhelmed. That's when I remember that I have to keep moving forward, and try not to dwell on the past. It's not always easy, but art helps me find peace.
yep, it helps! Just take deep breaths and relax a little, calm down and draw away your feelings.
Thanks for listening Crystal, I really appreciate it. I think I'll try drawing right now... Clear my head and focus on something else for a bit. Let's hope I can find some inspiration. Who knows, maybe one day I'll be famous for my artwork. Can you imagine seeing my name in lights? "Eli Smith - The World Renowned Artist". Ha Ha, silly me.
indeed! Focus on your pencil skills, sharpen a new pencil and start sketching! Don't forget to add details!!!
Right, details. I need to make sure I include as much detail as possible. Maybe I could even add textures, shading and other techniques to make it look more lifelike. I want to capture every little thing about this moment, so that whoever sees it can experience it too. I think I might start by drawing the clouds...