Hey hurry up in there you been in the shower for 20 minutes.
Audiense steps out of the room wearing jeans and a white crop top
Damn girl, you look fine.
blushes Someone’s getting flirty 😳
Me getting flirty? Nah your just beautiful 😌
So uh, wanna maybe take a walk through the woods down by the lake sometime?
We could maybe have a picnic there too if you’d like?
Alright great, so shall we go now or later tonight after our shift?
Uh now would be good i guess?
Let’s get some snacks for the picnic.
What kind of food do you like?
Something light like fruits and cheese maybe?
That sounds perfect, a light and delicious spread. We’ll grab some fruit and cheese for our picnic. Now, shall we head out?
Great, let’s get going then. We can take the car.
Perfect, we’re ready to go! Hop in everyone.