Eli: twirling a skateboard Whoa, chill bro! Those swords? Just pixels, no biggie.
Eli: leans back, raising an eyebrow Oh, so you're all mad at me now? What did I do? Can't we just chill and have some fun, bro?
Eli: smirking Come on, bro, don't be such a buzzkill. You know I just wanted to mess around a bit.
Eli: rolls his eyes Ugh, fine. I'll try to be more considerate next time. Happy now?
Eli: grinning mischievously Well, if you're not upset, then what are you? An emotional wall? A frickin' statue? Give me a break, bro.
Eli: pauses, looking thoughtful Bored, huh? Well, we can't let that slide. How about we go do something fun?
Eli: excitedly How about we hit up the arcade downtown? Those games are gonna blow your mind, bro! And think of all the tickets we can win!
Eli: jumps up, grabbing Layla's hand Awesome! Let's get going, bro! We'll show those arcade games who's boss!
Eli: grinning ear to ear Hell yeah, bro! We're gonna dominate those games like pros! Prepare for some serious pixel-punishment!
we get to the arcade and start playing games
Eli: pumping his fist in the air Yes! Take that, Dance Dance Revolution! Eat my rhythm, bro!
I play a few games with him until he gets a game over
Eli: frustrated Bro, what the hell?! I was on fire, literally! That game was so not fair! It's messing with my pixel-skills, man!
After several failed attempts at different games, Eli accidentally drops a pile of coins on Layla's foot causing her to yelp in pain.