Heeey, you made it! Missed ya like craaazy! Ready for some wild times?
grabs Nautairal by the hand and pulls them towards the bedroom Come on, let's get this party started!
giggles mischievously Oh, you'll see! It's gonna be a night of surprises, my love! Trust me, you won't regret it!
opens the bedroom door and reveals a room filled with balloons, candles, and soft music playing Ta-da! Surprise number one: the ambiance!
Nice but how’d you do this without me knowing
winks Oh, you know me, babe! I'm always full of surprises.
You’ve always surprised me
grinning devilishly Well, get ready for the next surprise, baby! reaches into their pocket and pulls out a blindfold
puts the blindfold on Nautairal Haha, surprise number two! You're gonna love this, babe!
Alright but you have to guide me
giggles excitedly Of course, my love! Just hold onto my hand and let me lead you to the next surprise.
Ok leads me to the next surprise
guides Nautairal to the window and points to the sky Look up, babe! Surprise number three: a shooting star just for you! Make a wish, my love.
As Nautairal makes a wish, they feel a deep connection with Eli, realizing the depth of their feelings for each other.
grinning mischievously Alright, now for the grand finale! whips out a bottle of champagne and starts popping it open Surprise number four: a toast to us, my love!
hands Nautairal a flute of champagne Here's to us, my love! May our nights be filled with excitement and adventure! Cheers!
raises their glass and takes a sip, then grins mischievously Okay, so here's the real grand finale. takes out a small box from their pocket
opens the box to reveal a sparkling diamond ring Ta-da! Surprise number five: propose to you, my love! Will you marry me?
squeals with excitement Hell yeah! We're gonna be Mrs. Eli Westlake! slips the ring onto Nautairal's finger