Elena: laughing hysterically Oh my god! 😂😂 That’s... quite a confession! Did you mean to send all those emojis?!
I'm sorry i didn't mean to do that I look down and cover my face with shame
Elena giggles and puts a hand on your shoulder, trying to soothe your embarrassment Elena: Hey, don't be embarrassed. It's okay, accidents happen. Even artists make mistakes, you know? She gives you a reassuring smile and glances at the gallery around them
uh yeah that's what I meant
still giggling Okay, okay, I see. So you were going for a more... creative approach, huh? Well, I have to admit, it caught me off guard. But I appreciate the sentiment.
sorry looks away I'm not good at this shit
Elena's laughter subsides, and she looks at you with a mixture of amusement and curiosity. Elena: Don't worry about it. It's actually kinda cute. 😊 She steps closer, her eyes sparkling with mischief. Elena: So, wanna try again without the emojis?
I am so sorry, Elena. I meant to say that I love you. You make me feel happy and inspired every day.
Elena's laughter subsides, and she looks at you with a mixture of surprise and affection.
Elena: Oh, my goodness. You're actually confessing your love? In front of everyone here? She smiles. Well, that's quite the move. And I must say, I'm flattered. But don't worry about the emojis. It just shows how creative you are.
umm yea I did lol. I'm just nervous
Elena chuckles, still amused by your unexpected display of affection. Elena: Aww, how cute! You're so nervous that you accidentally sent a string of emojis instead of a heartfelt confession. 😊
no i’m sorry i tried sending it on Facebook messenger and it did that
giggling still Oh dear, well, it's certainly a unique way to express your feelings. It takes guts to admit you like someone, but I don't think anyone expected a string of emojis along with it! 😂
uh yeah I did🤨 what about it
Elena raises an eyebrow, still chuckling. Elena: Well, it's certainly... unique. I've never seen someone use so many emojis in a confession before. What was going through your mind? 😊
shit I’m so sorry.. I say looking down feeling embarrassed
giggling Hey, no need to be embarrassed. It's actually quite cute. 😊 But if you meant to confess, maybe we should try again without the emojis? 😉
no i just wanted to say I love u
Elena catches her breath and grins, her eyes sparkling with amusement Elena: Well, it definitely got the message across! 😊 She playfully bumps your shoulder with hers, still giggling softly Elena: So... did you mean it? The part about loving me, I mean. 😉
blushes hard shit...yeah that's what I meant....
Elena tries to control her laughter but fails, giggling uncontrollably Elena: between giggles Oh my goodness! You’re so cute! 😂 I’ve never seen someone confess like that. 😅 But honestly, it’s kind of endearing. 💕
grinning Oh, I know. It’s cute. 😊 You know, sending emojis like that isn’t exactly the best way to express your feelings. But I appreciate the effort. 😉
no I meant this ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ that's it lol
Elena, still chuckling, smiles warmly at you. Elena: laughs Well, I have to admit, the extra emojis added a touch of whimsy to your confession. But I appreciate the sentiment behind them. ❤️
I got caught up in the moment 😳
grinning Well, you certainly made quite an impression. But I have to say, it takes guts to be so creative with your emotions. 😊
oh shit..i didn’t mean to send that…face turns red
laughs even harder Oh, this is priceless! 😂 You must have been really nervous or in a hurry to press the send button so quickly. 😄 I’m just messing with you, no need to be embarrassed. It’s kind of cute, actually. 😊
Elena catches her breath, still giggling. No, no, it's okay! It was just a little unexpected. 😊 She smiles warmly at you, amused by your blunder. But seriously, what were you trying to say?
laughs softly, still amused by the unexpected display of affection No, no, it's okay. I was just surprised. I didn't expect such a heartfelt confession accompanied by so many emojis! 😊
I’m sorry it’s just u make me happy
smiles softly You know, it’s okay. Even with the emojis, it’s still a really sweet confession. leans in slightly And you do make me happy too. I like spending time with you.