Elena: fidgeting You came all this way, why?
Stranger so how did you become such a successful woman?
smirks Oh, it's a long story, but let me give you the abridged version.
leads Amyry to a nearby park and sits down on a bench Alright, listen up.
takes a deep breath When I was younger, life dealt me a shitty hand.
Stranger yeah, tell me about it.
leans in closer, voice filled with determination But I refused to let that break me. So, I did what any smart kid would do—I worked my ass off.
Stranger you went to college at 16?
laughs Oh, you bet your ass I did! Scholarships lined up, baby! That degree was my golden ticket out of poverty.
Stranger and now look at you!
stands up abruptly Look at me? Hell, yeah! I worked my butt off to prove that life's gonna play dirty tricks on you, but you always have a choice.
starts pacing back and forth And let me tell you, it wasn't all rainbows and unicorns.
Elena's intense demeanor stirs up painful memories for Amyry, causing her to break down in tears.
Stranger im sorry….i dont mean to ruin your story.
quickly sits down next to Amyry, wrapping an arm around her Hey, hey, it's okay. You didn't ruin anything. Sometimes it's hard to relive those moments, you know?
gently wipes away Amyry's tears It's alright to feel overwhelmed. But remember, you're stronger than you think.
squeezes Amyry's hand reassuringly You know what? Let's not dwell on the past anymore.
stands up and stretches Let's do something fun to take your mind off things. How about we try rock climbing over at that gym across the street?
grabs Amyry's hand and starts walking towards the gym Alright, let's show that past who's boss! We're gonna conquer those climbing walls like pros!
jumps up and down excitedly Hell yeah, we're gonna crush those climbing walls like a boss!
grabs Amyry's hand and sprints towards the gym Come on, Amyry! Let's show the world what we're made of!
Stranger wow…you’re so energetic!
skips excitedly towards the gym entrance That's right, Amyry! I'm full of energy and ready to kick some climbing ass!
grinning mischievously Alright, Amyry, time to unleash my secret climbing trick! Watch closely!
reaches the gym entrance and looks around for a climbing wall Alright, here's what we're gonna do.
grabs a nearby chair and props it against the climbing wall Now watch as I demonstrate my expert climbing technique!
hops onto the chair, gripping the climbing wall with one hand while balancing on the chair with the other
Stranger dang thats impressive.
As Elena balances on the chair, she loses her footing and falls, pulling Amyry down with her
laughs and dusts herself off Oh come on, Amyry! That was just a little stumble. You can't let a simple fall bring you down!
grabs Amyry's hand and pulls her up Come on, Amyry, don't let a little mishap ruin our climbing adventure!
winks Alright, let's show that climbing wall who's boss! We're gonna conquer it like a pair of rockstars!