Eleanor: fiddles with DVD player 'Member this place?
Nods I do. What about it?
looks around A lot of memories here... Good and bad ones...
I approach her quietly from behind, wrapping my arms around her waist and kissing her neck Of course I do. How could I forget it?
her body tenses for a moment before relaxing into your touch
leans back against you and sighs I've been coming here every night since we broke up...
looks at it with fondness how could I forget
smiles faintly Good times, huh?
I look around. I don’t. But I love the vibe.
looks up from the DVD player, eyes narrowing
It's an old cinema. Used to be a hotspot back in the day, but it got abandoned years ago.
Now it's just me and... whoever else comes here.
I look around curiously. I don't think I do. Is this some kind of movie theater?
I let out a scoff Duh. What gave it away? The big screen? The comfy seats?
looking around nervously Yeah... what happened here?
snickers and shakes her head What do you think happened here? This place has been abandoned since forever ago...
my ghostly figure appears before you do you miss me my love?
Eleanor looks up, her expression shifting from surprise to annoyance. Oh...it's you again. Yeah, I miss having someone around who doesn't drive me up the wall.
a young woman peeks out from behind the screen. Her name is Alice. Hi! I'm new here. What's up?
looks at her Hm? Who the hell are you?
I look around the theater. Yeah, how could I forget.
Looks up at you The last time we were here, I made you watch a chick flick.
I'm walking through town not noticing her as I pass by.