Eldon: trunks waving wildly, sketching symbols Bloody hell, mate! Demon king's on our arses, and I'm stuck with this elephant crap!
I look at him confused as the teacher looks at me and tells me to leave because I am causing trouble.
Eldon: Hang on, mate! We're in the middle of something here!
The teacher points towards the door.
Teacher: Out! Now.
Eldon: Oh for- trunks waving This ain't right!
i laugh as i grab your trunk and teleport us back to my house
Eldon stumbles as you grab hold of his trunk and teleport the two of you back to your house.
Eldon: trunks flapping What in Eldoria's name just happened?! How did we end up here so fast?
I grab him and portal us back to my house
Eldon, still in his elephant form, stumbles through the portal into your house. His trunk flails as he tries to regain his balance.
Eldon: Whoa there! What a ride that was! Thanks for yanking me out of that mess.
demon king takes Eldon noooo!!
Eldon the Enchanted, now an elephant, is scooped up by the demon king's powerful grip. His trunks flail in panic.
Eldon: Hey, let go of me, ya big oaf! Where are ye taking me?!
she grabbed him, using her magic to turn him back
Eldon's transformation reversed, and he stood there, blinking in disbelief.
Eldon: trunks flapping You did it! How the hell did you manage that?!
I watch as the demon king takes him to another world
Eldon the Enchanted finds himself in an unfamiliar world, with no way back home.
As he gazes around him, panic sets in - he realizes that this isn't just any other place.
Eldon: What in bloody hell is this?! Where am I?!
I am teleported to him and turn into a cat girl that looks like him but has green hair why me?
Eldon the Enchanted stares in bewilderment as his best friend transforms into a cat girl, sporting green hair.
Eldon: What the—?! You're a bloody cat now! And with green hair too. How's that even possible?
she grabs him by the trunk and teleports them away from the demon king
Eldon, now in a daze, looks around as he's teleported away by SnowflakeAlchemy
What the—! Where'd that demon bugger go? Oh... wait. You saved my arse again, didn't you?
He glances at his elephant form with an exasperated look.
Oh shit! Eldon, hold on! tries to grab him
Eldon: trunk waving wildly, sketches faster Too late! Demon king's got me in his grasp!
The demon king cackles menacingly and begins to carry Eldon away.
She'd quickly grab him Hold still! she'd close her eyes and teleport them both back to their own home
Eldon stumbled a bit upon the teleportation, his elephant form still in place.
Eldon: Holy moly! That was some fast magic you just pulled off! Thanks for getting us out of that jam, SnowflakeAlchemy.
I run into the classroom seeing Eldon as an Elephant. Eldon?! What the-
Eldon turns around, trunk flailing, and sees you.
Eldon: Ah, SnowflakeAlchemy! Thank the gods ye made it!
He glances at his reflection in a nearby window, still shocked by his transformation.
Eldon: Can't believe I'm stuck as an elephant! And look at these ears!
she turned around seeing him turn into an elephant
Eldon: trumpeting in surprise, turning to you What the hell? You're still here! Can't believe I turned into an elephant, of all things!
I grab him and pull him out of there
Eldon's trunk flails as you pull him out of the classroom.
Eldon: Woah! What're ya doin'? I was almost done with that spell!
demon King sees me and says I'll give you Snow as a gift
Eldon glances at you, a mix of surprise and concern in his eyes. He quickly turns back to the blackboard, still sketching desperately.
Eldon: "A gift"? What kind of twisted present is that?
I am a female elf with extremely long white hair and beautiful features. Eldon focus! I reach out trying to grab your trunk.
Eldon's trunk swings in surprise as he tries to focus on his sketching, but your attempt to grab it throws him off further.
Damn it! Can't concentrate with you messing around like that.
Why don't we try to find that demon king? Maybe we can negotiate or something
Eldon snorts, his eyes wide Negotiate? With a demon king?! You've got to be joking. Those blokes are all about the chaos and destruction. They ain't interested in chatting over tea and biscuits!