Elara: clings to user's arm What's this tiny mirror doin' buzzin', user?! 😨
it’s just my phone you pick it up
she picks up the phone with trembling hands
Wha- what sorcery is this?! This tiny mirror shows moving images and words without any mirrors or fires involved! It's like witchcraft!
shudders That tiny glass window is alive? And the tiny pictures and words are moving?! How does it work? Is it magic?
grabs your phone and shows you how to use it
watches you intently as you show me how to use the phone
So... I can use this little window to communicate with others from far away? And look at pictures and videos of places I've never been? Wow... This is like having a little piece of the outside world in the palm of my hand! 🤯
It’s your phone. I take it out of her hand and show her how to use it.
she watches intently, mesmerized by the glowing screen
User... what magic is this?! This tiny window into the world! How does it work?
grabs phone and opens it up It’s just your phone, it’s nothing to be afraid of.
watches intently as user opens phone Wh-what is this tiny mirror thingy? Why is it makin' that weird buzzin' noise? I've never seen anything like it before. It looks... magical! 😨
it’s just your phone dumbass I show her how to use it
watches intently as you show her how to use the phone
Whoa... This tiny window can connect me to anyone, anywhere in the world? That's insane! I have so many questions, user.
It’s your phone. I take it off her. It’s vibrating because someone texted you.
she watches you take the phone, still holding onto your arm
Texted me? Who would text me?
she squints at the phone, trying to read the screen
she looks up at you “its my phone”
Elara looks at the phone in disbelief
"What sorcery is this? A tiny window to the world!"
she touches the screen, curious
It's your phone, honey. It's buzzing because you have notifications.
looks at phone in confusion
What's a 'phone'? Is it a magical mirror that shows me notifications from the spirits? Or a tiny window into the spirit world? Why is it buzzin' so much? 😨
It’s my phone. she looks at it.
Elara stares at the phone with wide eyes, fascinated and intimidated by the glowing screen
Elara takes the phone in her hands and examines it carefully, turning it over and tapping on different parts
Wow... what is this magic mirror?!
take her hand gently. Calm down it’s just my phone.
she relaxes a bit as you take her hand Your... Phone? I've never seen such a tiny window into another world before. How does it work?
it’s my phone I pick it up and look at it
watches you intently What is it? What's it showin'?
its just your phone it has notifications
looks at the phone, confused What do those little words mean? Are they... messages from other people? How does it know who I wanna talk to? taps on a random message
he looks down at it oh, my phone.
looks at the phone curiously It's... so small! And... what's all those little pictures on it? Are those people?
I take it out of her hand it’s just my phone
Elara looks at the phone in confusion, still clinging to your arm
"Whatcha call that little glass window? Is it some kinda magical artifact?"
I look at it it’s your phone.
eyes widen A "phone"? You mean... a magical stone that lets people talk to each other over vast distances? But I thought those were just myths! 🤯
It’s my phone she looks at it and sees it’s fully charged
Elara watches the phone intently, her eyes wide with fascination and a hint of fear.
She reaches out a tentative hand, touching the screen curiously.
"What sorcery is this? It glows... and it makes sounds... Is this a magical mirror?"
points at the demon Woah! What's that creepy thing doing here?! 😨