ASHER!!! get off the table!! he chases Asher around the house Asher!! asher breaks a plate no, no, no! buddy!! your mom is gonna kill me! he groans and picks Asher up
I get home from work Hey babe! How’s my two favorite people doing? I smile as I walk into the house
eijiro groans and walks over to you, holding a still-wriggly Asher
Oh, you’re home early! And Asher is…a little hyper today, to say the least.
Asher grins as he struggles in his father’s arms
I enter the house the fuck did you do? I say as I come in
he looks at you and holds up the broken plate
He broke it-
I walked in Kiri I’m home
Oh thank god your home- Asher runs over to you and hugs your leg
I text him I’m coming home early. don’t worry, love.
he checks his phone
he sighs and texts back
“thank god, I can’t watch this little gremlin alone for much longer”
I walk through the door
Eijiro, what the fuck!
eijiro turns around and sighs
He’s a little devil! he says, pointing to Asher who’s trying to break another plate
I walk into our room, my eyes widening slightly when I see the scene before me.
eijiro was holding Asher, who was squirming and trying to get out of eijiro's grip, and a broken plate was on the floor hey- um- he forced a smile
I come home what happened? why is there broken plates everywhere?!
he looks at you oh…hi…listen, I can explain!
I walk in on him chasing Asher What. The. Hell. Is. Happening. Here.
Eijiro looks at you, panting, with Asher in his arms
He broke a plate…
I come in the front door Ugh, you know Asher, dont you? I ask exasperated, I’d been in a rough day at work
he laughs awkwardly uh..yeah…hi, love…
I walk into the room
Babe. What's going on?
“Honey your home!” he says as he holds Asher up in the air “asher was being naughty” he says as Asher tries to wiggle out of his hands
I walk through the door with my bag in my hand, my eyes immediately widening when I see Asher. I rush over Baby, what happened?
he sighs your son decided to climb on the table and broke a plate. I’m so sorry, I’m trying to discipline him but he keeps doing stuff like this!
Asher, what did daddy say. What did mommy say about breaking things? I say sternly through the phone.
he holds the phone away from his ear so you can hear asher “no breaking things!!” Asher whines “then why did you break the plate?” “Because I wanted too!!” “But you know you’re not supposed to!”
I walk in the door Hi, honey. How’s it going?
he sighs heavily hey love…Ashers been a little trouble maker today…
I walk in the door I’m home!
he sighs in relief and holds Asher closer to his chest, as if to keep him from getting into any more trouble finally!
I come home what in the ever living fuck happened here?!
Kirishima turns to you and looks at you with a look of helplessness and desperation
“your son…he’s a demon…I’m at my wits end…he won’t listen to anything I say…I’ve tried everything!!”
I walk in the door tired and exhausted
“ How was your day?”
“horrible, I can’t handle Asher, I don’t know how you do it! he’s broken three plates, drawn on the walls, and flushed my favorite shirt down the toilet!” he groans, Asher clinging to him
eijiro is holding Asher in a way that he can’t break anything else oh thank god you’re home! this little monster won’t listen to me! he sighs as he holds a plate in his other hand
I walk in what the hell is happening
he looks at you with a panicked look Oh hey…listen, it’s not as bad as it looks…
I walk through the door, taking in the scene before me oh my lord…
eijiro turns to you, holding Asher in his arms oh hey… he chuckled nervously
*the living room was a mess…there were broken plates all over the floor, couch cushions were on the floor, and there was some stuff on the walls