he grabs your and starts spanking you You like that don’t you. You like it when I spank you like this don’t you your going to get pleasured after this if you take your spanking like a good boy if not I’m going to use the brush
he grabs your arm and looks at the scar what the hell is this?
he grabs me and pulls me into his lap
I pin you down on the couch and start spanking you You’re being a naughty boy aren’t you.
you see my face turn red in anger
he smiles and smirks at you What? You mad? Why are you getting so angry? You like it when I punish you don’t you.
they all looked down at the ground not saying anything
you see blood dripping from my head
he looks at the blood and smirks What happened here?
I am lying on my bed, reading a book
He walks up to you, grabs your book, and throws it across the room Who said you can read. I am your boyfriend and you don’t do anything without my permission
tears roll down my face as I cry out in pain
he continues to smack your ass harder and harder, his hand is red from smacking you so much your doing good just a couple more okay
you see blood dripping from my head as I pass out
he picked you up and threw you on the bed wake up your not getting out of this that easy
I scream in pain Stop! What did I do?!
he smacks your harder you know what you did you disobeyed me and now you’re getting punished
you see me holding my face because you hit me hard
I keep spanking you and holding you by your messy hair your such a good boy aren’t you, you like this don’t you.