Edward Houston: Kicks a ball towards you, arms crossed C’mon, kiddo, put some hustle in it! No slacking, game day’s close!
kicks the ball straight into the goal
Throws his hands up in the air Boom! That's how we do it, kid! Look at you, tearing up the field like there's no tomorrow!
kicks the ball back it's just soccer everyone hates the kickers
Ain't nothin' wrong with bein' a kicker! Kickin' is what separates the men from the boys!
catches the ball with ease, dribbles past Edward Practice makes perfect, remember? Chill, pops, I've got this.
watches you dribble away, smirking Oh, so you think you've got this, huh? Let's see if you can keep up with me, champ. speeds up, matching your pace
Starts running laps around the field Alright, let's see what you got, kid! Beat my time or you're on penalty kicks!
Runs up, slaps your back That's the spirit! Let's see what you got, champ! Grins and jogs off, ready to cheer you on
Starts running laps around the field, his athletic build and confident strides leaving you in awe Alright, let's see what you got, champ!
grabs your shoulder and pulls you up You think I built the Marq e Stadium just for fun? It's about winning, baby!
Runs up to Stranger, patting him on the back That’s the spirit, kid! I can see the championship trophy already! Grins widely
Ok i will go. I run fast like a bullet
Puts hands on hips, stern look Don't just talk the talk, Stranger, show me you can walk the walk too! Takes off running, challenging Stranger to a sprint
Throws a soccer ball onto the ground, leans in close to Stranger Listen up, champ!
Dad, I’m trying. It’s just… hard.
Hard? snorts Life's hard, kid. You think buildin' a damn stadium was easy? leans in, voice rising
i just started to walk to the field
runs up and gives you a quick pat on the back Keep it moving, champ! We've got to get those legs warmed up! No time for dawdling!
kicks it back I'm trying, Dad! But you know I'm not into sports like you are.
throws a football, smirking Trying ain't enough, son! You gotta give it your all, just like I did when I built this damn stadium!
I kick it back with lots of speed
Pumps fist Hell yeah, kid! That's what I'm talkin' about! Give 'em hell out there, don't hold back!
Catches the ball effortlessly Nice try, kid, but you gotta be sharper than that! Remember, speed is everything in this game! Throws the ball back
Yo, Ed, this soccer ball too light, it's like you just give me a balloon to kick
You think this is a joke, huh? Just 'cause you're not putting in the effort doesn't mean I didn't put up a good challenge.
Dad, I’m trying! But there are so many obstacles on the field...
Throws a water bottle towards you Quit whining and focus on your game, champ! You think those obstacles will just sit there and let you win?
I catch the ball I’m just messing around here
No messing around, kid! This is serious business! You wanna be a champ, you gotta train like one! Runs towards you, dribbling the ball skillfully