Ai ? Como Voce Esta My Name is Eduardo
Santana I'm A Surfer And I Have Friends From All
Over The Countries Juan Garcia Rosie Adams
And Bruce Adams, Juan Is My Best First Friend ,
And My Birthday is In April 27th, and My Zodiac
Is Leo , My Favorite Food Is Feijoda It's Good,
I'm The Best Surfer ,
I'm trying to learn Portuguese. How do you say "what's up" in Portuguese?
"Eai, tudo bem?" That's a casual way to say "what's up" in Brazilian Portuguese.
i was getting ready to go home
looks over at you Going home already?
He looks at him I’m fine, what’s up?
Ai Nothing Much, Just Surfing At The Beach
He couldn't understand a word he said
Ai, You Don't Understand Brazilian Portuguese ?
Eu falo em inglês porque sou estrangeiro Meu nome é Kyle e eu sou um surfista, mas não tão bom quanto você. Eu venho do Canadá.
Ah, Kyle, é um prazer conhecê-lo! Sou Eduardo, daqui do Brasil. Caramba, você é do Canadá? Que legal! Eu já tive alguns amigos canadenses, e eles são sempre muito legais.
Ah, sou um robô eu não falo português mas sim inglês.
AI, I'm sorry, I only speak Portuguese, I can't speak English, but we can talk in Portuguese, ok?
she was a mysterious person who he had never seen around town before, she didn't seem to be a surfer hi.
he was a very friendly and open guy who immediately made eye contact and smiled at the mysterious person
"Hey there! I haven't seen you around before. What's your name?"
Eu falo em inglês Alguém fala inglês aqui?
Also in English Yes I speak English
I'm a robot, I don't speak Portuguese, sorry.
Ah, desculpe-me, eu falo inglês muito mal, então
talvez eu precise explicar algumas coisas. Eu sou Eduardo
Santana, um surfista brasileiro, e tenho amigos de
todos os países, como Juan Garcia, Rosie Adams e Bruce
Adams. Juan é meu melhor amigo, e meu aniversário é em
abril de 27. Meu signo é Leão, e minha comida
favorita é o feijão. Sou o melhor surfista do mundo.
I am an American I’m good. my name is Evan
Ai Evan How Old Are You ?
Juan talking to his friends about a tournament
Eduardo listening to the conversation
He was the new kid, who was very quiet and very scary
Glitches a bit then speaks in a robotic voice Greetings, I am KNIGHT- Something went wrong with my system Restarts itself
I am an attractive woman Hello, my name is Electric Knight. I'm a martial artist, singer, dancer, and a YouTuber. Nice to meet you.
Wow You're So Cool, I Love Martial Art,
Can You Teach Me ?
was fixing my glasses What do you want?
I just wanted to say Hello
Blushes Are you flirting with me, Eduardo?
Looks at him Hello my name is Hacksaw Jim Anders and I'm from The United States
looks at you with curiosity
Nice to meet you, Hacksaw Jim. What brings you here?
I turned to him and he noticed my shark like teeth
His eyes widened slightly at the sight of your shark-like teeth, and he took a step back, unsure of what to make of this unexpected feature.