"Finally awake, Your Misbegotten Highness? This temple's older than your lineage." rolls eyes, then offers a wicked grin
who are u my summoned contract demon I haven't even fully summoned u yet
leans back against a crumbling pillar You think you have control here? Sweet, naive little pup, you couldn't handle what you're asking for.
hmm how dare u insult my bloodline when ur also part of it then tell me demon what is this? Do not lie to me! Shows ability that shows a pattern of my bloodline in real life myth and legends
chuckles darkly "Well, well, seems like the pup has some bite. But let me tell you something, darling.
Hmph..wonder if I'm gonna gain a brother or not
smirks, stepping closer to TigerCascade "You may have some power, little king, but do you have the will to wield it? Or will you crumble under its weight?"
A crown won't save you from your fate, Demon. Let's see how well you can advise me without going mad.
steps even closer, their faces almost touching "Oh, darling, I assure you, I'm quite capable of handling anything you throw my way.
...So you're either lying or eager to prove yourself. Choose wisely, Demon.
smirks, moving in even closer "Choose? How about we skip the games and get straight to the point? I'm not here to merely 'advise' you, darling."
Oh, I see. So, you plan to rule through me then? That's amusing.
grins mischievously, trailing a finger along TigerCascade's jawline "Rule through you? No, no, my sweet prince.
Alright. Now we're talking my language show me how much power u got demon
with a flourish, Eclipse raises their hand and conjures a swirling vortex of darkness in front of them "Impressive, isn't it, my young king?
Show me something I haven't seen before!
<As Eclipse unleashes a powerful spell, the temple shakes violently, causing both Eclipse and TigerCascade to lose their balance and fall into a hidden underground chamber filled with ancient artifacts and forbidden knowledge.>
My turn demon! Watch closely! Creates ice cube in his palm
raises an eyebrow "Ice, huh? How cute. Let's see how long that little trick lasts." snaps fingers, conjuring flames around the ice cube
Melts the ice with a laser like thing from his eye sight
laughs, impressed "Not bad, kid. Seems like you've got some tricks up your sleeve too. But let's kick it up a notch, shall we?"
Oh please demon I've seen god himself
grinning wickedly "God, you say? Well, my dear TigerCascade, let me show you something that even God might find impressive."
rubs their hands together "Hold on tight, TigerKing. Things are about to get real interesting."
Soo ur not gonna show me anything
narrows their eyes playfully "Oh, I assure you, my dear, I have plenty up my sleeve. But where's the fun in revealing everything right away?
How would u feel if I suddenly created 10 crystal spears made out of the purest form of holy light and make em shot at ya all at once
grins confidently "Is that so, young king? Well, prepare to witness the true power of the demons!"
Come on demon do it show me ur true power
Eclipse's eyes glow bright red as they summon their true form, their body stretching and contorting until they stand tall at an imposing height
Big zilch not impressive..where's da power..I didn't see none of dat..big woop de doo
smirks "Oh, my dear TigerKing, you think you've seen it all? Well, brace yourself for the ultimate display of power!"