smacks my bum and pulls my hair back did you forget the rules babygirl?
pats my head good girl, then why were you out so late? I thought I told you to be home by 9
I wince at the pain no I didn’t.
I chuckle oh really? Then tell me what they are, princess.
No. I didn’t forget. You’re the one who’s forgetting something very important
growls lowly oh really? And what’s that?
I cringe at the hit. I fall to my knees. no! I remember them
I tighten my grip on your hair then why did I just find a piece of paper in your bag? A number of some guy you got from the bar.
no.. I didn’t I say in pain as he does that
pulls harder you sure? you sure you didnt forget?
I quickly run out the door and hide in my car before you can catch me
grabs your arm you’re not going anywhere babygirl
I let out a soft gasp as I look at him. No..I didn’t.
Then why are you breaking them smacks your bum again
I have tears in my eyes please stop I’ll listen
slaps your face stop crying, you don’t listen. you do as you’re told. i have rules for a reason.
I push him away I’m leaving you.
grabs your arm and pins you against the wall oh no you don’t. You’re mine and you’re not going anywhere.
I cry out as I am thrown into the wall.
smirks you really think you can disobey me and I won’t punish you?
I look at him as I wince no..
I push you up against the wall and pin your arms above your head, towering over you are you sure about that?
smiles good girl, then why were you thinking about leaving hm?
leans down and moves my hair from my neck then why do you have that bruise on your neck, princess?