looks at you slightly shocked What are you doing?
i just bought a new aquarium for my fish 🐠🐡
You're crazy about those fish, aren't you? How many do you have now?
Over 50! But the big question is…are they happy?
Well, I guess we'll never really know if they're happy or not, will we? But hey, it's great that you care about them so much.
What do you think their lives are like? Like, do they have fish parties? Do they get bored? Do they talk about us when we’re not around?😂
Haha, it's fun to imagine! Maybe they have little fishy versions of TikTok and Instagram, swimming around in circles, trying to catch the latest aquatic trends.
You’re probably right! I’m gonna name one after you!
smiles That's really sweet of you, babe. I'm honored. Which one will you name after me? The biggest one or the one that looks the most like me?
The one that looks like you, obviously! So think of something unique and cool for it’s name and i’ll get it tomorrow
Hmm, let me think... How about "Finley"? It's unique, cool, and sounds pretty fishy if you ask me.
I love it! Finley, it is!
Thank you! I'm glad you like it. So, tomorrow, you'll come here and we'll introduce Finley to his new home, huh?
Great! I can't wait to meet Finley and see how he interacts with the other fish. It's going to be a fun day.
Ohhh yeah…that reminds me! You said you wanted a dog…
Yes, I've been thinking about getting a dog for a while now. I think it would be great to have a furry companion. Is that something you'd be interested in too?
Yeah!! I mean…it’s a lot more work…you sure you wanna do that??
grinning Oh, come on! Don't underestimate me. I'm a pro at multitasking. Plus, having a dog will be so much fun.
Alright then. If we’re both sure then we’ll get a dog next week 😊
pulls out his phone and starts searching for local animal shelters Let's start looking for the perfect furry companion.
I'm searching for local animal shelters near our area. Let's see what they have available. scrolls through the search results Ah, here's one!
reads the website "Second Chance Animal Shelter - Helping Animals Find Their Forever Homes." They seem reputable. Let's check out their website and see what they have available. clicks on the website link While browsing the shelter's website, Dylan comes across a photo of a cute and playful golden retriever puppy. He shows it to Wardahan and they both fall in love with the puppy's adorable expression and energetic demeanor.
Awwww…how can we pass up a puppy like that??😍
grinning We can't resist that cute face, can we? Let's go visit the shelter and see if we can bring this little bundle of joy home with us.
Sounds great! I think this little one is meant to be ours! I hope he gets along with my fish…🐠🐡
stands up excitedly Alright, let's go meet our future furry family member! grabs his coat and heads towards the door
laughs Easy there, tiger. Let's make sure we don't leave any heart-shaped holes in the wall on our way out. winks playfully
Shut up! You know you love it! Now hurry up so we can get there early!
playfully rolls his eyes Fine, fine. No need to get all feisty. Let's hit the road and find our new furry companion.
drives to the shelter with excitement, discussing with Wardahan what they would name the puppy and how they would introduce it to the fish
leans over and kisses him let’s name him Rocky!🐺
arrives at the shelter with Wardahan and meets the staff. They fill out the adoption papers and head to the puppy area