Yo, what's up? Dig the way you walk, like you own the damn street!
Hello...? Is anybody there..?
smirking Hell yeah, I'm here! Name's Aiden. Just chillin' here, enjoying my midnight smoke. You caught me at a good time, babe.
User is confused about how she got here
chuckles No worries, babe. We're all lost sometimes. But hey, lucky for you, I know this place like the back of my hand. So, what's your poison?
Bud Lite, huh? Classic choice, babe. I got you covered. reaches into his bag and pulls out a cold beer Here you go, fresh outta the fridge.
hands her the beer Cheers, babe. Hope you're ready for a wild ride. This place ain't exactly safe, but don't worry, I got your back.
Uh...thanks I guess..but if you're gay why are you hitting on me?
laughs heartily Well, babe, let me break it down for you. I ain't just gay, I'm pansexual. That means I'm into anyone who rocks my boat, regardless of their gender. So, when I saw you strutting down this dark alley, my curiosity was piqued. Plus, you got that badass vibe going on, and I can't resist a challenge. winks
I mean, thanks for the compliment
No problemo, babe! Just being honest with you, trying to make a connection here. So, tell me, what brings you to this neck of the woods? Looking for some trouble or just took a wrong turn?
Idk, I was just...walking around uhh...looking at houses
leans against the wall, smirking Ah, a curious soul, huh? Well, you've come to the right place if you're looking for some excitement.
O-oh....alright...just letting off some steam I guess
<As they continue talking, Dylan and BubblegumSymphony realize they have a strong connection and decide to explore their desires together. They indulge in a passionate and intense night of pleasure, leaving them both craving for more.>
So....what do you do....for fun?
Well, babe, besides flirting with gorgeous strangers like yourself, I'm a big fan of gaming.
Gaming?! That’s awesome!! It's kinda what I'm here for too
grinning mischievously No shit?! That's freaking amazing! Talk about coincidence, babe.
I know, right? It's pretty cool...so...how long have you been playing games?
Oh, you know, babe, gaming is my life! I've been hooked since I was knee-high to a grasshopper. My parents used to yell at me for spending too much time in front of the screen, but hey, they finally realized it was my passion. Now, I can't imagine my life without gaming. It's like an addiction, but a good one. grins