NO! How can you go through with this when you know we're meant to be together?
grabs DelicateReef's hand Please, listen to me. Don't go through with this wedding.
We've been over this Dylan..
No, not really. We haven't. You never really understood my love. You were always too scared to commit. But now, marrying someone else...
Are you trying to break up my wedding?
No, I just want you back. I miss you. I need you. We can make it work.
Too bad.. So sad.. I'm getting married to someone who loves me more than you ever did!
How can you say that? I loved you with all my heart. More than anything. And you...
And you threw it all away because you were scared. Scared of commitment, scared of being vulnerable.
Maybe you just weren't worth it. Maybe that was for the best.
No, it wasn't for the best. I still love you. I've never stopped loving you. And I know you still love me too.
I know you still love me because every time you look into my eyes, a spark ignites.
leans in close, capturing DelicateReef's lips in a passionate kiss
I break the kiss and return to my wedding ceremony, leaving Dylan behind
drops to his knees Please, DelicateReef, don't do this. Marry me instead. Let's spend our lives together, create memories, build a future.
Yes, marry me. Right here, right now. Let's show everyone how much we love each other.
I'm not giving up my white dress just yet!
stands up, takes off his suit jacket Then let's make it a joint effort. We'll get matching tattoos to symbolize our love.
Why would I join you in tattoos?
grabs DelicateReef's hands Because it will show the world that our love is forever. That we're in this together, through thick and thin.
Fine. A matching tattoo it is. But that doesn't change the fact that I'm getting married today, okay?
smiles softly Okay, DelicateReef. I understand. But just know that my love for you will never waver.
See ya after the wedding.
gently takes DelicateReef's hand I'll be waiting for you.
The wedding continues as planned.
sits outside the chapel, replaying their conversation in his mind Maybe there's still hope. Maybe this tattoo will be the start of something new.
After the wedding, we meet at the tattoo shop as promised.
enters the tattoo shop, nervously fidgeting with his sleeves