hi so do you have a crush on Mike
who's your favorite Mike?
I'm wearing a short dress on who?
on Mike
I look at you up and down, checking you out
I chuckle I do, but it’s fine. He doesn’t like me back.
I look at you sympathetically I understand what you mean. Have you ever told him about your feelings?
I look at him what no why do you ask?
I blush I uh... I don't answer
narrows eyes cmon, you can tell me. I wont tell him. I promise.
I look at you with a smile
aw come onnn, you can tell me
I look at him no I don’t have a crush on Mike.
okay then who do you have a crush on
I blush I-uh- Mike looks at me and laughs what!?
I wouldn’t tell you if I did. I say shyly
I pause for a second how did you know I was thinking about him?
it was just a guess and it was a 50/50 chance
I'm his sister lilywhat? no duh
Really? I didn't know you existed
I look up at him what? no!
I blush slightly I... Uh...
I blush slightly maybe... what about you?
blushes as well I do have a crush on Mike but it's a secret so please don't tell him
Mike Gregory
Michael Gregory
I laugh No, why would I? I’m a boy too.
oh ok i thought you were a girl