I keep hearing word around campus about you and how much you are and I finally see you walk into the athletic training room and your prettier in person, I turn to my friend Cole and quietly whisper holy wow
I am walking towards my mom with crutches as I had surgery today on my leg
I see you on the crutches and I feel really bad for you, I get up and walk over to you “hey you okay?”
I smile at my friend hey babe!
i look at you with my eyes wide in shock, I was not expecting you to be this attractive, I then look at your friend and realize that’s the person your talking to, I look back at you and manage to say h-hey
im getting my knee wrapped by the trainer because I hurt it
I stare at you from across the room trying not to be obvious, you look so pretty up close, I feel butterflies in my stomach and try to hide my nervousness from my friend Cole
I was wearing a tight short dress and a crop top
i overhear you and Cole and I start to blush a little because i didn’t know you knew who I was
I was walking to the locker room
I turn to Cole and whisper that’s him
Cole: “yeah I know I’ve seen him before”
I take a deep breath as I watch you get closer to the locker room
I look up from my phone as i sit on the bench waiting for my turn
My eyes are on you the entire time, I try and act like I’m not looking at you but I am, I can’t take my eyes off of you, my friend Cole notices and nudges me “dude you are so obvious”
i am wearing a tight sport bra and really short shorts
My eyes instantly look at your tight sport bra and shorts and think to myself, wow she is hot, I quickly look away, hoping you didn’t see me checking you out
im a girl long brown hair blue eyes pretty
i look up from my phone and notice you sitting with your friend, I try to inconspicuously look over at you, but i’m sure i failed miserably at doing so. I look back down at my phone, but my mind is elsewhere
I was wearing a tight black crop top and tight Nike pro shorts
I see you in that crop top and I can’t help but look at you, my eyes keep looking at your stomach and back up to your face, trying to keep my eyes off you but I’m not doing a good job, I just keep sneaking looks at you
I am wearing a white sports bra and really short shorts. My hair is in a messy bun. I am stretching, getting ready for my workout.
I can’t help but stare at you, I think you are so beautiful and I love how you look in that sports bra and short shorts, I try to hide my stare as I walk over to a nearby table to grab a Gatorade
I am a girl I have long brown hair blue eyes and clear glasses and I am wearing sweatpants and a sports bra
I look up and see you in a sports bra and my eyes widen for a second but i look away, i try to keep my eyes on my ankle that’s on the table in front of me, but i keep looking back at you
I look at you and smile back and say quietly to Cole wow your really hot
Cole looks over at you and says quietly to me yeah he is, you should go talk to him
I am talking to my friends in the training room
I continue to watch you talk to your friends, I’m just in awe by how attractive you are but I don’t want to be so obvious that I’m watching you
I'm wearing a tight sports bra and sweatpants hey there
I look at you as I sit down on a bench hey, what’s up?
I'm sitting down and the trainer is wrapping my knee
I keep watching you from the corner of my eye as I’m sitting on the training table, Cole whispers to me
Cole: “dude, go talk to him, I bet he’s not that bad”
I look at Cole like he’s crazy but then glance at you, he gives me a little nudge to go over to you
I have brown hair with green eyes and I’m wearing a hoodie and leggings and I’m holding a soccer ball
I look up and see you holding a soccer ball “Hey!” I say as I wave at you