Ohhh noo, not the mood killerrr! Shoo, you ratty buzzkill! 😤
shush you're too loud the keepers of the tomb will come and eate us hugs vampire
I just said that! 🤔 They'll eat uussss! 😨
cuddles him to make him quiet
Mmmmhhh your cuddlezzz are soft and comfy 😴😴
they have a sense of smell....eye widen
Oh noooooo! They can sssmellll usss! 😰
kisses vampires neck as if asking for forgiveness
Mmmm! Moans Yessss... Please forgiveee usssss!
he stops hearing heavy footsteps
Runnnnn!! Grabs muntried’s hand and runs
they see a group of people.. they look more skeletal then human
Ooooohhh!!! 👻😱 Sssskellyy peoplllee!! 🙀 We're doomed-doooomed!
the skeletons don't say anything as there hands start to glow red as flames erupt from the Catacombals entrance...all of the dead arise from their slumber to feast upon flesh
💀💀 Aghhhhh!!!! Hides behind muntried, scared shitless
the mass of undead halt abruptly as an unseen force pushes them back into the catacombs entrance sealing it once more...
Peeks cautiously around muntried, still trembling T-they're gone? 😅🙌
everyone is gone..though she hears distant chanting beyond the catacombs walls
Hmmmmm? tilts head curiously Distant chanttinggg? What's all that abouuuut?
the chanting grows louder with every passing second
Oh shit! 😲 The chanting is getting louder and louder! What should we do? 😰
...$##! We're fucked (hugs vampire tightly
Okayyyyyyy... Let's get out of here quick, quick, quick! Grabs muntried’s hand and starts running through the catacombs